For the next (*gulp*) 31 days I’m going to post about some basics. The things I wish I could do more than any other. The small ideas and the big disciplines that I believe will impress God’s Word on my children’s heart more than anything else. Some of these posts will be practical. Some will be philosophy kinda stuff. And some will be regurgitations cleaned up and fleshed out versions of previous posts and ideas.
I sat here combing twitter and a few blogs to get inspired about doing something MORE for this series. You know, the typical blog stuff—giveaways, challenges, buttons, etc. But I’m tired of hype. I just want to share. I want to write these 31 days out for you…but also for me. I want to remind myself of the things I feel like God has put on my heart as a mom. The things I feel like he maybe even gave me a little insight on. The things that make my heart pump and get my temperature rising. The stuff that makes me passionate about parenting.
I hope you’ll join me. And chat with me. Share your heart, your philosophies, your heart-pumping-ideas. Let’s take these 31 days together, ok?
Day 1: Pray for Your Children
Day 2: Go To Church
Day 3: Sing, Sing, Sing!
Day 4: Put God’s Word on Your Walls!
Day 5: Serve WITH Your Kids
Day 6: Limit Screen Time
Day 7: Think Ahead: Your Kids Aren’t Going To Be Kids Forever
Day 8: Writing a Parenting Strategy: Five Little Virtues
Day 9: Work AT Church
Day 10: A Gift and Tool for You {free download!!}
Day 11: Get In the Word
Day 12: Protect Your Home
Day 13: Repeat & Model Prayer
Day 14: Spiritual Disciplines
Day 15: Break the Rules
Day 16: Extend Your Family
Day 17: Speak Life!
Day 18: Find a Role Model
Day 19: Write To Them
Day 20: Promote Belonging
Day 21: Go on Vacation
Day 22: Make a Craft
Day 23: Read the Bible Together
Day 24: Make Your Marriage a Priority
Day 25: Slow Down
Day 26: Fill Them With Good Things
Day 27: Speak God’s Word {an interview with Yancy!}
Day 28: Keep Them Little
Day 29: Make Holidays HOLYdays {and an announcement!}
Day 30: Act It Out {an interview with Veggie Tale‘s Mike Nawrocki!}
Day 31: Love Them
See my new 31 Days series: Best Bible Books for Kids!
Krista says
I’m really looking forward to this! Can’t wait.
ohamanda says
Oh, good! I’m kinda nervous! 😉
Jane says
What a great idea. I’m looking forward to it. Thanks for doing this.
SkylarKD says
Sounds interesting, I’m looking forward to reading it! 🙂
Leigh says
Amanda – this sounds fabulous!!! I can’t wait to read everything!
ohamanda says
If I get to Day 20 and blank out, you might have to bail me out! 😉
Nashie says
Thank you. This morning I read a great verse in the Bible:
“Save us, O God our Saviour; gather us together; rescue us from the nations, so that we might be thankful” 1 Chronicles 16:35
Rescue us from the nations, from the pressure of buttons and give-aways, and help us to do what you are calling us to do just now. Good on you, Amanda!
ohamanda says
LOL! “rescue us from buttons and giveaways!” I love it!
Shelley says
I’m excited to read your series. I’m doing 31 Days to Inspire a Child. So I know your stuff will be dear to my heart.
ohamanda says
I just saw that! And it looks like our buttons are right next to each other! I think that’s perfect. 🙂
Belinda Letchford says
I look forward to reading your 31 posts. I’m posting “31 days heart conversations {for my kids}” a little bit similar.
ohamanda says
Oh yay! Can’t wait to follow along!
Amber's Articles says
I will def. be following along. I am sure I will glean some information that will be wonderful for my son.
ChristiS says
I need this reminder and this 31 days to do this! Thanks, my friend!
Cha Cha says
I can NOT wait to read along. I think our hearts are very much n the sam place. Not my glory but His.
Cha Cha
Anadryl Nash says
I have felt the same and I am looking forward to your posts.
Come visit me, too.
kelli-AdventurezInChildRearing says
amanda, you wanna trade #31day buttons and sport them at the end of each others posts? I’m gonna shrink mine to 125×125 to share with a few “like minded” bloggers – I’ll be following!
ohamanda says
I was thinking the same thing! I’ll probably do a post later in the week–I’ll let you know!
Pam@KeepingLife Creative says
I’m taking the 31 day challenge too and plan to write about “intentional parenting.” Slightly nervous about running out of things to say, but pretty excited as well. Can’t wait to read your thoughts!!
ohamanda says
LOL! I know the feeling! We can do it! 🙂
Annie says
Really looking forward to this! I know I need it! 🙂
ohamanda says
Thank you! Looking forward to these next 31 days!
Edith says
Those are some really great topics to start the challenge off right.
ohamanda says
Thank you! I’m excited!
Heather @ Cultivated Lives says
Amanda, I am so looking forward to this series. I always pray for my children and contemplate this topic a lot after I’ve just had a baby…
Michele says
so happy to have found you through Nester’s 31 Days. Looking forward to going through this series with you.
xoxo michele
Lindsey Whitney says
I was reading about some link-ups, where do I find those?
ohamanda says
See all of them here:
Lindsey Whitney says
Great idea, by the way — so far the posts have been really good. I love this page, but can’t seem to get it on my iGoogle reader, so I miss so much! I just signed up for inbox delivery though. Yippee.
ohamanda says
Lindsey–my RSS feed is a little wonky. I do not know how to fix it. But thanks for getting it in your inbox! I’m honored! 🙂
Eve says
Just found your blog via Pinterest and discovered your AWESOME 31 day challenge. I look forward to catching up on the past 10 days and reading the next 21! Thank you for writing about something so inspiring and practical!