So, I’m throwing my hat into the 31 Days party. Have you heard of this? Bloggers from all over the…uhm, blogsphere choose a topic and write about it for 31 days IN A ROW. Clearly, this is a test of courage, creativity and keeping-your-fingers-0n-the-keyboard. (Y’all, I think I’ve only posted 6 times this whole month! But they were good posts.)
I did 31 Days to Impress Your Kids a few years ago and I loved it because it so very clearly showed my heart about leading kids to Jesus and impressing His Word on their hearts. This year, I wanted to do something that was (ahem) easier but also on target for helping and encouraging you in bringing your kids to Jesus.
One question I get a lot is “how do you explain so-and-so Bible story?” or “what book would help me teach this Biblical truth to my kids?”. I don’t have any great wisdom with specific scenarios. What I do know is that I have to lean on God’s Word. When something is TOO HARD and I am confused and tired and unsure of how to lead my kids, I always go back to the Bible. Then, I try to figure out how to bring a bite-sized piece of that truth to my children.
My 31 Days topic is about the best Bible-based books for you and your kids. The kids’ Bibles, the storybooks and yes, even a few straight up fiction books that will help begin conversations about faith and a journey with God. This will be a perfect time for you to stock your bookshelves or even load up for Christmas gifts!
I’m really excited about sharing these books with you. Honestly, I couldn’t go to sleep last night and had to turn on a light to make a list of all the books I want to cover! Pin the image above so you can get back to this post quickly!
Day 1: My Most Favorite Storybook EVER
Day 2: A High Tech Bible
Day 3: A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words
Day 4: A Bible on THEIR Level
Day 5: (((HUG))) Your Bible
Day 6: Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Day 7: A Bible That Tells MORE Stories
Day 8: An Actual Factual Storybook
Day 9: Fictional Bible Stories?
Day 10: The Super Superbook!
Day 11: Anybody Want a Peanut?
Day 12: Sing a Story
Day 13: Thrift Store Faves
Day 14: The Parable of the Sower
Day 15: Listen and Learn
Day 16: Sheldon Might Even Like This Bible
Day 17: A Word about Bibles and Stories
Day 18: What’s the BIG Deal?
Day 19: A Wild Ride Through The Bible
Day 20: An Interactive Bible
Day 21: Go To Sleep…
Day 22: The Story for All Ages
Day 23: The Gospel Story Bible
Day 24: Give a Bible to a Kid in Kenya
Day 25: Top Ten Devotionals
Day 26: Animated Stories from the Bible
Day 27: Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Roads!
Day 28: Bible App for Kids
Day 29: The Wordless Book
Day 30: A Purple Bible
Day 31: Color Through the Bible
BONUS: My favorite Easter/Resurrection Day books!
Nikki says
I’m excited for this series! I was just thinking this morning I needed a good way to do a daily Bible study with my toddler (she’ll be 3 in December). Good timing! ( :
oh amanda says
Yay! I think you’ll like some of these then! 🙂
Catie says
I am VERY excited about this series! We’re always on the lookout for good books! 🙂
oh amanda says
Yippee! Me, too!
Deanna says
Yay! This sounds like an awesome series. Can’t wait to find new resources to use with my little girl!
Amber says
Yep, I’m excited!
Amber says
Forgot to mention, I followed your suggestion and bought Whit’s End Mealtime Devotions and my girls (5 and 7) love it!
oh amanda says
Yay! I really do love that one. 🙂
Kate M says
Yes! Excited to see
[email protected] says
This looks like a lot of fun! Sort of like my everyday life as a book reviewer…can’t wait to see what you dig up!
Emily says
Will you be focusing on a certain age range of children’s books? I am finding that my children are aging out of so many of the blogs I’ve loved and followed. I have a 9 (almost 10) y.o. boy and a 7 y.o. girl.
Myra says
I was just thinking the same thing. My boys are almost 11 and 9, so I’m hoping you might help me find a couple of good, long chapter books that will capture their attention! No pressure though! 😉
ohAmanda says
Myra! I do have an older boys’ book in mind! I think the rest of them might be categorized as family-friendly. 🙂
ohAmanda says
Emily: It will be all over the place. Some are picture books, some are family books. Some are for older kids. I have one in mind specifically older boys should love! 🙂
Lyndall says
Count me in! Yes please!
Danica says
Can’t wait! Love good book lists 🙂
ohAmanda says
I know. Book lists make me happy. 🙂
SaraR says
Yes! Very excited, what’s not exciting about books? Um, nothing! I actually somewhat considered doing a 31 days but since I’ve only posted maybe 6 times this whole year, and we’re going on vacay in Oct, I thought maybe I should start planning for next year. I might be ready by then :).
April says
Thanks for doing this Amanda! I always love reading your posts! Really excited 🙂
Lindsey Whitney says
Looking forward to this series. I usually like the books you suggest, and I’m always looking for high quality reading to add to the collection! Thanks.
Amy says
Excited you decided to do this. Love adding new books to our book passports!
Holly says
I’m Excited!!!!
Tiffany says
Love this series– it’s super helpful! I am particularly excited about getting my first grader the Adventure Bible- love that it’ll be on his reading level! I’m just starting to introduce him to a devotion time, so hopefully this will be perfect to help start it out!
Jenn says
Hey Amanda! Just wanted to say I’m loving your recommendations! I hope it’s okay that I shared your link in my post today,….growing our Christmas list! 🙂