OK. So, I wanted to make a This-Is-What-We’re-Doing-This-Summer List for you. Then, I kinda wanted to do a Summer Reading List, too. But, neither list was as wonderfully list-y as I wanted it to be.
Instead, I’m combining them into a Summer Read and Do List. Alternately titled, “I Felt Like Writing a List and This is What Happened”
1. Mountain Biking
Did you know kids could mountain bike? Did you know mountain biking isn’t this? I didn’t! Asa and I discovered a beginner’s mountain biking trail the other week and we are in love. We’ve been to three different trails and cannot wait to do more.
It’s the beauty of hiking, but a little faster and a little more exciting. Of course, there have been at least two times I’ve just jogged behind the kids because 1) I couldn’t fit my bike in the car 2) Asa requires a little help getting over hills and roots. Regardless, it’s our new favorite thing.
2. Cold Tangerines
I’ve enjoyed Shauna Niequist on the Relevant Podcast for over a year now. But I just opened up her first book, Cold Tangerines last night. (Which I actually bought like 5 years ago for myself with Christmas money.) And I love it. Sheesh. Why didn’t y’all tell me? Oh, you did tell me? Oops. Slow mover.
3. Summerrific Faith Adventures
Last year’s Bible Detectives was such a hit, I couldn’t wait for the free family devotional download from Thriving Family magazine. This year’s Summerrific Faith Adventures is a free download and it’s so super easy—a piece of a puzzle gives a Scripture and accompanying activity. Once you piece the puzzle together, you can search for hidden pictures.
So far, we’ve made paper helicopters, wrote a Bible verse on tape and stuck it to our couch, made Bible memory verse playing cards, played an audio guessing game and more.
The kids ask to do our devotion every day and I love that we have a simple (super simple) way to incorporate God’s Word into our daily life.
4. Operation Christmas Child
I know, I know. It seems very far away until those little shoeboxes need to be packed and delivered. But with our 100 box goal, we’ve got some packing to do.
5. Picture Books
We are reading books like they are going out of style. Yesterday, we found every pillow in the house and made a reading nest. And because I’m a suddenly a freak about recording everything I read, here’s a board with all the books I’ve read to the kids this year. I’m always updating it with mini-reviews…
Follow ohAmanda’s board 1000 Books on Pinterest.
6. The Lunar Chronicles
It has to happen every year. I have to find a new Young Adult series to read and gush over. This year, it’s the tale of Cinder (a Cinderella cyborg), Scarlet (a spaceship flying Red Riding Hood) and Cress (a locked-in-a-satellite Rapunzel). Yes, it’s fairytales in a space-age, futuristic, dystopian world. Yes, it seems totally cheesy. But I totally love it. And am anxiously awaiting the 4th book that comes out in *gasp* *choke* *faint* November.
7. Adventures in Odyssey
I know you’re not surprised by this–Adventures in Odyssey is a mainstay at our house. We listen to 2-3 adventures a day! Seriously, if you haven’t joined the Odyssey Adventure Club, this is the time. The first month is only $5. Do it.
8. On Shifting Sand
Allison Pittman writes beautifully sad novels. Do you like sad stories? I do. On Shifting Sand is sad. It’s beautiful. You won’t be able to put it down. But, it’s sad.
I think it’s my favorite of the year so far. The story is of a mama in Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl—and it’s hard to read because the choices this woman makes are just awful. The book is really about marriage, but I felt it applied to so much more than just marriage. It’s a look into temptations, the lies you tell yourself and how needy and deserving we are of grace. (Did I mention it’s sad?)
9. What’s in the Bible?
This summer we are watching all of the WITB series in a row. The kids have watched them over the years but never close together (and probably not in order). Today was our first installment. We learned about the Septuagint and the definition of “testament” (it means promise).
Then we colored in our big What’s in the Bible? coloring book while I asked them questions from a Family Discussion Guide they have on their website. Since I just finished my Bible in 90 Days, I’m super excited to go through the Bible with the kids this way.
10. Misc.
So, we’ve been to the pool a few times. (Yawn. I always say the pool is a dad job.) We tried to do the Lego Mini Build night but it was so crowded we missed it and missed the registration for July. Boo.
We even made a giant calendar to make sure we don’t miss summer puppet shows, $1 movies, free crafts at Michael’s and all the fun at local museums. I gotta tell you, I’m kinda in love with summer.
So, what are you doing/reading this summer?
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We still have 7 and 1/2 days until summer vacation!!! If I wasn’t ready for it before, this list has MADE me ready!!!
Curious- do you think the Lunar Chronicles would be a good read for my 12 year old daughter? She loves reading and fairy tales and dystopian literature is becoming one of her favorite genres. Just not sure if I WANT dystopian to be a favorite (even though I love it too!). Advice appreciated. Happy summer!!!
Hmmm. As far as the romance—in the first book it is minimal. They don’t fall in love at first sight and if they kiss it’s very chaste. The second book has a little more romance but certainly not even close to Divergent, etc. The scary/violence of it is really more the serious part–there’s this worldwide plague and an evil queen trying to take over, etc.
I hate to totally recommend it for a 12yo. But, in general it’s mild and clean.
Here’s a review from Plugged In: http://www.pluggedin.com/book-reviews/cinder (you’ll have to scroll to the bottom to read their specifics…b/c they seriously recap the ENTIRE story).
Becky-has she read Remnants by Lisa Tawn Bergen??
I just received the Thriving Family magazine, but I just skimmed over the summer faith adventure. Well, I just punched out my cards. We will do it too! Thanks for the reminder.
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your reading lists. I found your list last year. Your list introduced me to Elizabeth Musser (Thank you!) and I still have some of your ’14 books on my list to read. I just went through my library’s online sight and bookmarked several books from your ’15 list. We seem to have the same interests in books! Thanks again for sharing what you’ve read and for introducing me to some great new authors!