Yes, that’s my phone.
I used to read blogs every day. Like lots and lots of blogs. I collected them like shiny treasures. Then, the internet got bigger and bigger and Instagram and Facebook spread the blogs thinner and moved people to different avenues and suddenly, I collect podcasts.
Podcasts get me through dishes and laundry and sometimes get me motivated to write or parent or even eat right. If you’re new to podcasts and think you don’t have the time, the equipment or know-how, lemme give you a brief (very brief) tutorial. Ready?
1. Look at your smartphone.
2. Find a podcat app and download. (The iPhone has one called PODCASTS and I think the droid counterpart is STITCHER.)
3. Search for a podcast of your choosing.
4. Click play.
Seriously. That’s how easy it is. I listen to podcasts in the car, while I’m folding laundry, organizing school work or with headphones while cleaning or while the kids are watching a TV show.
You can listen to podcasts directly from most of their respective websites but that seems a bit cumbersome, don’t you think? Plus, most of the podcast apps have great features like fast-speed listening, 30-second fast-forward and rewind, etc.
OK. Now that you are proficient at downloading and listening to podcasts, here’s some of my faves. I’ve categorized them in…well, you’ll see…
My Favorite Non-Inspirational, Mostly-Happy-and-Fun Podcasts:
Cameron Strang, founder and editor of Relevant Magazine is the host of this hour-long show about…well, technically, I think it’s about entertainment and culture from a Christian world-view. But really, it’s about banana-slicers and big ships and Nick Walenda and how bad Nic Cage’s Left Behind movie was and how great Sky Mall magazine was. And if you’ve never listened to it, then you’ll probably think that sounds ridiculous but it is literally the funniest thing I listen to (or watch, for that matter) all week.
Along with Cameron, four other guys (Eddie, who loves dcTalk as much as I do; Jesse, who just listened to Nickelback for 7 days straight and raised $30K for Charity Water; Chad (who doubles as the producer) and Tyler, who has the best Instagram stream ever) and two girls (Shauna Niequest, of Bread and Wine; and Joy Eggrichs, unicorn lover and mumu wearer) round out the rest of the cast.
If the internet still said “big puffy heart”, I would big puffy heart this podcast. Here’s a video clip from last week’s podcast so you can see how cuckoo-crazy-fun they are.
You know my affection for all things Phil Vischer, so you know how much I love this. He talks with Skye Jethani (from Christianity Today) mostly about current news, theology and how the two connect. Recent topics? Atheism, ISIS, Ken Ham and Evangelicalism. (SERIOUSLY.) But every episode I’m always intrigued and challenged by their conversations–they don’t come down on things the way I think they would.
(This isn’t a podcast for your kids. He covers all kinds of news!)
This is my guilty pleasure. Rob Cesternino (former Survivor contestant) hosts all kinds of reality TV podcasts. I only listen to the Survivor show(s) but he also does Amazing Race and others. I just love hearing him talk about the show with other Survivor contestants. It’s all very self-aware and it makes me laugh. My husband and I have been watching Survivor since season 3, so we’re kinda super-fans.
4. Good Job, Brain!*
This is an off-beat trivia podcast and it’s is so fun! They make up funny quizzes for each other and share interesting tidbits of things you’ve never ever thought about it. If I need some fun in my day, this is it.
You remember the #ohRV, don’t you? Well, this family of 5 spend about 50 nights in their RV traveling the county. I just enjoy hearing about their adventures. I may have some RV news for you myself in a few months…
Now. My Favorite Inspiring, Encouraging Podcasts…
I’m not just adding this one because she lets me contribute to her Family Movie Moms show. Heather always interviews these Super Great Moms which could make you feel like a bummer of a mom but instead of feeling inadequate, I always finish empowered. Heather is a pro at encouragement. The last 2 minutes of her show are worth the whole thing. (Seriously, listen to the end.)
I just love Kat. She’s a purposeful mama and helps other mamas do the same through her website and podcast. I just so happen to the be her special guest on this week’s episode! We’re talking about my fav-o-rite thing: impressing God’s Word on your kid’s heart. You’re gonna like it–> click here to listen right on your computer!
3. Mud Stories
Jaque and I met at a blogging conference but we’ve got another little IRL connection because she went to church with my aunt IN CALIFORNIA. Her personal story is so powerful and she’s brought others in to talk about their own stories–stories that go from the hardest, muddiest situations to beautiful healing and redemption with God.
4. Feathers
My friend, Amy J Bennett releases this new podcast on March 10th! She’s got such a beautiful story that inspired her to start it and I just love her.
And an honorable mention because it is neither fun nor inspirational–it’s spine-tingling and thrilling!
Serial was just riveting. Finally someone is doing a podcast that continues a story each week. Go ahead and start at episode 1 if you haven’t tried it yet. (This one is definitely PG13.)
And I didn’t even mention the whole-food podcasts, Disney, CrossFit, blogging or church podcasts I listen to! Whew. See? I told you I’m a collector!
So, are you into podcasts? What’s your fave? I’m always up for new ones!
*I’d say every once in awhile these podcasts are PG. Not explicit or graphic. Just sometimes a few off-color jokes or words based on the topic. FYI.
I started listening to podcasts a while back and went overboard and got brain burnout. My mind needs little help flitting to and from a millions different thoughts and the overload of info in audio form was not helping! So I stopped for a long time. I just listened to one the other day while doing dishes and it was really nice. I think I’ll have to start adding them back in!
I can totally see that audio overload! For me, it’s an escape and a time to just do something for me. 🙂
Thanks! I’ve been looking for podcasts to listen to. please list more good ones! 🙂
Thanks for the suggestions, I cant wait to try some of them!. Also you’ve already listed a lot of my favorites but a few others I like to listen to are Read-Aloud Revival, The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey, Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast, The Big Boo Cast, Hope*ologie, Chrystal Evans Hurst and The Art of Simple Podcast. Oh and
my absolute favorite everyday listen is 1Year Daily Audio Bible podcast. So good!
I just heard about Read Aloud Revival from Kat (Inspired to Action) and can’t wait to try it! I’ve subscribed to the Happy Hour w/Jamie Ivey but haven’t listened yet. Thanks!
Love the Big Boo Cast – with Sophie Hudson & Melanie Shankle (BooMama & BigMama).
After Serial ended I found several other podcasts that talk about Serial and those brought interesting viewpoints that I didn’t know about before. 1) Crime Writes on Serial 2) The Serial Serial 3) Slate’s Serial Spoiler Specials.
Also enjoyed Invisibilia but it only had a few episodes before they already announced their break.
If you like Harry Potter, there’s a new one called Potter and Daughter where this guy is talking over the books with his 7 year old daughter. They don’t get all the facts right (I think the dad has only seen the movies or possibly read the books a LONG time ago) but it’s entertaining to listen to.
How fun on the HP podcast. I’ve heard of a few of these kinds of podcasts (my fave? Someone rewatching all of LOST and talking about it w/someone who has never seen it!)—I want to do something like that!
My favorite one to listen to lately is NPR’s Pop Culture Happy Hour. I also love This American Life and The Moth.
My SIL loves The Moth. I have it on my phone and need to listen!
I LOVE podcasts. I found a couple of new ones from this, so thanks! Inspired to Action is definitely my top at the moment. I also love the Hopeologie podcast and Coffee with Christine Caine.
I still haven’t listened to Hopeologie. Is it free? I somehow have the impression it’s for subscribers only…
They recently opened it up for free so definitely check it out. it’s great to hear their discussions!
You should try NPR’s Invisibilia, truly fascinating.
I started listening to Invisibilia (the one about the guy who was having maniacal thoughts) and couldn’t finish listening to it–I thought I was going to start feeling like him! 🙂 I need to pick it up again.
Eek! Thank you so much for sharing about the launch! Can’t wait to have you on…I still need to check out the Relevant one.
I love podcasts and I love finding new ones to try out too. I have a collection of podcasts that I listen to daily/weekly/monthly too. I start every morning with John Piper’s (pastor in MN) podcast, Ask Pastor John. It’s only 7-9 minutes and perfect to listen to while I make breakfast. I also like Albert Mohler’s news podcast, Inspired to Action, Art of Simple, The Influence Podcast, and a few others.
I love the idea to start off w/a short one in the morning!
OH Amanda!! Thank you so much for sharing about Mud Stories…and for being one of my guests.. jacquewatkins.com/episode21 .. What a blessing you are! And by the way, we got the book “Wonder” for my 12 yo daughter based on your recommendation, and she LOVED it!!! Have an amazing weekend 🙂
The Debbie Chavez Show
Live The Promise with Susie Larson and
Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Thanks for this list! I’d love to hear your whole food favorites, pretty please;-)
And I’m (glad? Comforted?) That someone else’s phone looks that… way. People make sympathetic comments about my phone, but hey, it still works for podcasts and instagram. We’re not dead yet! Lol
Yay! I loved seeing your list after sharing mine.
My phone looks the same way. Cracked screen iphone users unite!
And how did I forget Mud Stories? Love Jacque and her heart. I also just started listening to RV Family Travel Atlas…not sure how I found out about it originally (maybe you?) but it’s so great. My husband and I are already scheming about a summer or year long RV trip around the U.S. with our kids in the next couple of years. So fun!
I always love having new podcasts to listen to so thanks for this list of ones you like!
Last night I subscribed to but haven’t yet listen to Gretchen Rubin’s Happier podcast.
I’ve recently listened to some Influence Network podcasts and really appreciate the discussions.
NPR’s Ask Me Another podcast is one that I highly recommend. Trivia, music, guests – fun!
My currents are: The Village Church, Sandy Rios in the Morning (conservative talk), Redemption Hill Church (my pastor is brilliant and currently teaching Mark for the year), Albert Mohler, and a few other churchy ones. Looking forward to putting Phil Vischer on my list. We LOVE the What’s in the Bible DVDs!
I’d like to share this blog with you. It’s all about Who You Are In Christ. I’d love for you listen!! 🙂