I’m kinda with Jo-Lynne, my favorite part of a conference is the bloggy recaps. But to be completely frank the part I like best of those recaps is THE PICTURES. I want to see all my bloggy heroes in all their REAL LIFE glory. And you’d think I would have remembered that this weekend. I honestly met (and reacquainted myself with) SO many of my favoritest people in the world! But do I have a picture of it?
Why did I lug that huge camera around if I wasn’t going to take pictures? I guess when Casey and Dawn are walking around taking shots like these…
photo by mooshinindy
photo by dawn. side-hug by mary
You just kinda lose your photo mojo.
Wait! STOP THE PRESSES! I just looked through my camera and realized I DID get some pictures of my favorite bloggers. Well, two.
This is Marie from Make and Takes. I met her at ::whisper:: Nestle. But follow her blog like a madwoman and got to spend great bloggy AND Harry time with her this weekend. I think she might be a genius.
And of course, my bbb, Mandi from Organizing Your Way. I am continually amazed at her ability to just make things happen. I love her.
I also spent time (SO MUCH TIME) with Jill from Diaper Diaries. She is exactly the same in real life as she is on twitter and her blog…except she’s actually SO much yummier and richer and more robust. (Wow, she sounds like a wine.) I am in love with her. (Plus her hubby and son were there. Both adorable.)
The absolute best part of the conference was an impromptu round table on Friday morning. I was already planning on meeting with Amy from The Finer Things In Life. However, when we got our breakfast there was NOWHERE to sit except for on the stairs. So that’s where our meeting began. Soon, Alli from No Time For Flashcards joined us (another hero I was hoping to chat with), Raising Olives, Hilary from The Other Mama, Jessie from Vanderbilt Wife, Stolen Moments and…who else was there? Anyway, it was a bunch of delicious and wise bloggers. We had THE BEST, most honest and open discussion about traffic, how-to’s, purpose, posting and subscribers. I probably would have paid money for that 30 minutes.
I got to meet and talk with Michelle from Scribbit (SCRIBBIT!). I hugged Amy from Mom Advice. I talked to Janice from 5minutesformom. I met Audrey from Mom Generations (we share a May birthday!). I met a new great friend, Love Feast Table. We even drug Christine to our room! (Not as in DRUGGED, we just made her follow us…) Not to mention hugging the necks & shootin’ the breeze with Renee, Lindsey, Isabel, Christine, Melanie, Trish, Mary, Dawn, Sarah, Lisa, Darcie, Jo-Lynne, Andrea, Emily and more.
Oh, and did I mention my sisterchicks?
Now. Wasn’t that less embarrassing than the stalking from last year?
:: :: ::
Great recap! You are amazing and I could chat with you all day, every day! I had so much fun oogling Harry with you! And love love love that we got to hang out, on slightly less fragile territory!! 😉
.-= Marie {Make and Takes}´s last blog ..My Baby is in LOVE with Babies =-.
So SO glad I got to hang with you a little bit – can’t wait for the next time!!! 🙂
.-= Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect´s last blog ..It had to be . . . Harry. =-.
Are you sure you didn’t drug me? I was pretty whipped by the time it was over!
Great recap! Wish I could have been a fly on the wall (I mean stairs) during the impromtu meeting. Oh, how I need to learn from all of you… Maybe next time!
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Blogging Basics: Takeaways from Blissdom =-.
You were wonderful! Loved meeting you–I just wish I’d had a chance to sit and talk more. Want to come over Friday night? I’ll make dessert-
.-= Michelle at Scribbit´s last blog ..Harry Connick Jr. and the Best Blissdom Yet =-.
I tell ya’, not enough time, my friend. Not. Enough. Time.
Loved every precious second, though!
It was great to meet you!
.-= Jessica Turner´s last blog ..My Blissdom Recap =-.
That unplanned breakfast chat was wonderful and so honest. I am glad it was as much a highlight for you as it was for me!
.-= Alie´s last blog ..Letters Of The Week =-.
Per usual, love, love, loved seeing you. Big e-hugs til next time. xoxo
.-= Boston Mamas´s last blog ..The Lion King Live =-.
Love, love. loved meeting you and seeing your smile so often. Looking forward to future tweets, commenting and IRL meetings.
.-= Jennifer (Savor)´s last blog ..Chocolate & Coffee pairings : Food truly is Love =-.
Breakfast was awesome! Chatting and brainstorming with a bunch of smarty bloggers did more for me than {whispers} ANY of the sessions…
Love. Love. Love.
I might need to look into a job transfer to the hubby…..
Sounded like such an awesome time! Wow. Maybe one day I’ll get to participate in something like that. How awesome to be in a room full of women who feel the same way about blogging as you do!
So glad you had a great time
.-= Melissa@Simply Mel´s last blog ..Top Ten Tuesday =-.
I had a great time and it was fabulous to meet you!
.-= Melissa Multitasking Mama´s last blog ..Organized Grocery Shopping =-.
Loved getting to meet you in person!! Looking forward to more time with ya in cyberspace and IRL again!! maybe next Blissdom!! ~Chris Ann
.-= LoveFeast Table´s last blog ..Happy Birthday Kristin!! =-.
Not really digging that picture of myself, but SO GLAD to have another one of us! I hope we make it an annual tradition and maybe next year we’ll be able to avoid hungry nurslings and dying phones and actually have our in-person chat!!
.-= Mandi @ Organizing Your Way´s last blog ..Get a FREE Copy of the Love Everyday eBook! =-.
The breakfast was also one of my high points. I learned so much!
I’ve been so busy since getting home that I haven’t done any follow-ups and haven’t even gotten around to posting about BlissDom, but hopefully next week.
.-= Kimberly @ Raising Olives´s last blog ..Giveaway – Jean Welles Worship Guitar Class =-.
Looks like you had fun, fun, fun – with some fabulous women! There are so many on your list that I hope to meet someday.
Maybe…just maybe…I’ll join you in Nashville next year.
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..You Asked, I Answer (Part V) =-.
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