So. I’m at Blissdom. I’m meeting and seeing some of my very favorite online bloggy friends. And I tote my laptop, my phone, my Flip AND my camera around. But did I get a picture of any of this bliss-tastic-ness? NO. In fact, I think I took a total of 20 pictures this weekend. And 19 of them were of Harry.
He gave the Blissdom ladies a mini (as in 4 songs) concert. I was mere feet from him. He chatted and joked with us and even SPOKE TO ME FROM THE STAGE. Yes. He did. Is it bad to say that I was sweating when he looked right at me?
Anywhoo. I’m sorry that a brush with fame is the only thing I can mention about Blissdom right now. But it’s 1:40am after a krazy karaoke night and the sisterchicks are all sitting in their beds laptops open communicating via email, twitter, facebook and flickr. And well…I’m just too tired to tell you about the amazing women I met, the sponsors that honored us and the bloggy wisdom that was downloaded to my brain.
But those three topics sound like a pretty good posting outline, dontcha think? (See, I did learn one thing bloggy-related this weekend!) Anywhoo, the real BLISS this weekend was the friends…the relationships…the community—it was a sweet girl’s weekend with my sisterchicks and I think we may have even added a sisterchick or two to our brood.
@thevioletfig @itscome2this @stacib @oohamanda
Stay tuned for:
Blissdom 2010: The Sponsors
Blissdom 2010: The Bloggers
Blissdom 2010: Whatever Else I Forgot To Tell You
And if you were at Blissdom, link up your post at Musings of a Housewife!
Deanne says
Wow……Harry??!?!?! How awesome!!!!! My only question – just 19 pictures?? That’s is? 🙂
Karen says
HARRY! Sooooo jealous (in a good way). Sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time! YAY! :o)
Musings of a Housewife says
Loved, loved hanging out with you and meeting your sisterchicks!!!!!
Christine says
Glad you enjoyed your time w/ Harry! I must say you’re amazing to have posted at 1:40 in the morning…It might take me a couple of days to recoup and even think about posting!
Thanks for letting me hang w/ you and your fab sisterchicks! You guys are so sweet!
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Healthy Pizza Option =-.
vanessa says
I’m dying to know….what did he say?!!! 😉
.-= vanessa´s last blog ..handprint heart keepsake =-.
oh amanda says
I think it was something like, “Please come on tour with me.” Or similar…
.-= oh amanda´s last blog ..#blissdom 2010 =-.
Hillary @ The Other Mama says
Loved hanging out with you and the sisterchicks and only wish we would have had MORE time!! Hugs!!
.-= Hillary @ The Other Mama´s last blog ..Countdown to Bliss =-.
Kasandria says
I totally missed out on Harry! 🙁 So glad to have gone and great to have semi met you at the Clever Girls Party lol.
.-= Kasandria´s last blog ..Review and ***Giveaway***: Rockconcepts Superbowl Football Snack Bowl =-.
Allison says
Wow, wow and wow. I heart Harry and his band.
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Hit Or Miss =-.
Karin Katherine says
That is so funny that 19 of your pics were of Harry and I was too exhausted to come back downstairs to see him! Seriously.
Vader's Mom says
So not fair. I still can’t handle this post. It’s cruel of you.
But I’m so glad you got to see him – He’s a wonderful performer and a great dancer. Congrats (even if I’m still green with envy) 🙂
.-= Vader’s Mom´s last blog ..Walking on Broken Glass =-.