You know I have a thing for famous people, right? Whether I find them at the grocery store, a blogging conference or literally stalk them–I get a little excited when my heroes (or other people’s heroes, I’m not picky) come to life.
When I was at Allume this year I met one of my heroes, Phil Vischer. He’s the co-founder of Veggie Tales and the creative mastermind of What’s in the the Bible?. Phil spoke one night and told his Veggie Tales story–the story of how Phil went from the studly piranha (was it a piranha?) to a jellyfish. His humility and candor were so refreshing and inspiring.
My favorite quote of the night:
Our impact does not occur when we pursue impact. Our impact occurs when we pursue God. -Phil Vischer
As a blogger, a writer and an eternal wannabe, this is something I have to remind myself daily. Am I pursuing impact? Or God? I want to pursue God.
After Phil’s talk and dinner and whatever else happens at blogging conferences, Phil was signing autographs. Well, I knew this was my time to meet my new BFF! I waited till the very end and then bombarded Phil with my awesomeness! questions.
I told Mary and Amy beforehand, “I might cry when I meet him”. His passion for teaching kids God’s Word is so inspiring to me. And I’m such a big fan I didn’t want to sound like a fan-girl. Alas, this happened…
I’m pretty sure he’s saying, “Amanda, I’m married. See. This is my wedding ring.”
Actually, I did not ask him about Veggie Tales or his passion for God’s Word. Instead, I asked him about his puppet skills. I had to fly my puppet-flag high and let him know I am a puppeteer, too! And what do you know? WE HAVE MUTUAL FRIENDS. Mutual puppeteer-type friends, but mutual nonetheless!
Are you so impressed? You should be.
And my @actuallyNPH photo of Phil and me:
Now that you are sufficiently embarrassed by me, I want to tell you about a new product Phil has via What’s in the Bible!
First of all, What’s in the Bible? is one of my favorite tools ever. I haven’t talked about it much because honestly, I think my kids at 6 and 4 are a little young for it.
Each episode goes through the Bible answering questions, clarifying confusing parts and generally entertaining your kids through real Bible facts and knowledge. What’s In the Bible?‘s (how do you put an apostrophe s on that?!) heart is to bring a new generation of kids into real knowledge of the Bible.
My kids have watched several of the episodes but for Asa (my 4 year old), I don’t really want him knowing there are questions about the Bible. I don’t want him knowing people argue over literal-7-days and 7-days-are-a-millenia. I want him to keep his child-like-faith and know the Bible is God’s Word, period.
My point is: they are full of such goodness I want to make sure my kids know and understand it all! Lydia and I watched the Christmas DVD last year and I’ve referred back to it so many times because it covers every detail you can imagine (What does Christmas mean? Why do we have a tree in our house?).
This year, What’s in the Bible? released a really cool Advent activity ebook for families. You know I’m kinda passionate about Advent activities and this is a good one. It follows the traditional advent ideas with the four candles. It also includes exclusive videos on the What’s in the Bible? website. They are secret videos that can only be accessed when you buy Everyday Emmanuel.
Each day, there is a simple activity for you to do with your family (like make hot chocolate, listen to a Christmas song, etc.). Each week, there is a devotional which includes a prayer, talking time, Scriptures to read, songs and the lighting of the Advent candle.
There are even four little printable ornaments to make, Christmas BINGO, the Sunday School Lady’s Pepparkakor recipe and more!
We aren’t going to be doing every bit of Everyday Emmanuel, but I will definitely be using the extras to go along with Truth in the Tinsel and of course, show my kids the videos because they love some Buck Denver!
OK. My gushing is done for the day. You know I love What’s in the Bible? if I’d tell you to check out their Advent book, when I am selling my very own advent book, Truth in the Tinsel on the very same internet.
Here’s the thing: I want kids to know God. I want them to love God’s Word. If they do it through Everyday Emmanuel, Truth in the Tinsel, a Christmas movie or a Christmas carol, that’s what I want.
Regardless of how you celebrate Advent (WHICH BEGINS THIS WEEKEND!!), you simply MUST buy Why Do We Call It Christmas?!
How are you going to bring your kids to Jesus this year? Or rather, bring Jesus to your kids?
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Kate @ The Ferguson Family 4 says
How neat! I get really geeky excited when I meet someone like that, too! I will have to check out their ebook! We are doing the ornament activities this year for Truth in the Tinsel, and I am so excited to start! Thanks for spreading God’s word and love! {from one former children’s pastor to another}
Amy says
Where is my photo credit?!?!
I jest! Laughing at your captioning on the second pic. It was great watching you meet him. For once I wasn’t the fan girl 🙂 I mean, not that I’m not a fan but you know.
Love what they’re doing with What’s in the Bible!
oh amanda says
Ack! After I posted, I said, I forgot to credit Amy! 🙂
Michelle says
Thank you! I didn’t know what to do yet for this year’s Advent. We had a baby last month and I just knew I couldn’t do the truth in the tinsel again with my other 3 big kids. This sounds like just the thing. 🙂
Amy Tilson says
Wow, can we also start a stalkers not-so-anonymous group. He was super nice wasn’t he? I got a sneak peek visit helping Logan set up in the dining room. We also have mutual friends from a mutual church. I guess you figured out that you were one of my stalkees, right??? Anyhoo… getting ready to crack open that video tomorrow, along with starting our Truth in the Tinsel. Printed ornaments for us this year. A thousand thanks for those babies!
Jerri says
Hi Amanda
I have tried to get in touch with you about losing my Truth in Tinsil download. Our computer crashed and we lost everything. Could you please send me the link again. I hate to keep bothering about you about this but this weekend is my only opportunity to get craft supplies and prepare everything.
oh amanda says
Jerri: I didn’t see an email from you but I found your purchase record. Look for an email with details from [email protected]
Susan says
Amanda! You are SUCH a hoot!! I loved this post – I must have laughed out loud at least 10x during the course of reading this. Thanks for all the great resources to check out and for sharing the wisdom about pursuing God not impact! Great words of wisdom. Blessings!
Tawnya says
I bought both Everyday Emmanual and Truth in Tinsel. I am taking bits from both to make our own daily activities for my 4.5 year old and my 1.5 year old twins. They are both great, although I must admit I like yours better:-) I am very glad that they are both out there on the “internet” for me to use with my family. Thank you so much for all the time and hard work you put into this resource to help me teach my children about Christ:-)