Imagine you bought your first house. You walk in and set up a sleeping bag just inside the front door. You sleep there and you love it–you’re warm, protected and safely locked in behind a door. Soon you realize there is a whole living room behind you. So, you branch out and sleep on the couch, watch the TV and even play cards on the coffee table. What a joy! A whole room just for you! After a while you see a kitchen--a kitchen! A whole room dedicated to eating! You still sleep on the couch but now you can go into the kitchen whenever you want and grab a drink, fry up some eggs and just gaze out the window. And to think you used to sleep at the front door!
The longer you are in your house the more rooms you discover. Bedrooms, bathroom, bonus rooms and even closets! So much space! So much functionality! So many great blessings under one roof! Yes, you were just as safe the first day when you slept by the front door as you are today in your master bedroom. Yes, you’re just as warm and dry. But wow-the extent of your knowledge and blessing and comfort is SO much more! What a joy to live and investigate and learn this house! It’s taken time, yes, but so worth every minute!
This is everyone’s heart. The Bible says Jesus is knocking on the door and asking you to open it. You can open the door as a fully understanding adult. Or an innocent child. But you will still have the same experience–getting to know every nook and cranny of a relationship with your Heavenly Father. When we are older and grayer our heart-house will still have unexplored rooms because God’s great love for us is beyond imagination. God is unfathomable. His plans for us are bigger than we can even dream.
Don’t look down on your children because they are young. Let them experience God on their level. Yes, they have to open the door on their own. But that’s the easy part. Salvation is only the beginning of the true adventure!
Ever since I started thinking about this series, I’ve had this Shaun Groves playing through my head and heart:
Take me, make me
All You want me to be
That’s all I’m asking, all I’m asking
Welcome to this heart of mine
I’ve buried under prideful vines
Grown to hide the mess I’ve made
Inside of me, come decorate, Lord
Open up the creaking door
And walk upon the dusty floor
Scrape away the guilty stains
Until no sin or shame remain
Spread Your love upon the walls
And occupy the empty halls
Until the man I am has faded
No more doors are barricaded
Come inside this Heart of mine it’s
Not my own
Make it home
Come and take this Heart and make it All Your own
Welcome home
Take a seat, pull up a chair
Forgive me for the disrepair
And the souvenirs from floor to ceiling
Gathered on my search for meaning
Every closet’s filled with clutter
Messes yet to be discovered
I’m overwhelmed, I understand I can’t make this place all that You can
I took the space that You placed in me
Redecorated in shades of greed
And I made sure every door stayed locked
Every window blocked, and still You knocked
Take me, make me
All You want me to be
That’s all I’m asking, all I’m asking
:: :: ::
See the whole series…
Part 1: What Jesus Says About Kids
Part 2: Can Kids Be Saved?
Part 3: On THEIR Level
Part 4: Welcome Home
photo by dave kliman
Wonderful post!
I think my favorite line (besides “Take me, make me all you want me to be”) is “every window blocked and still you knocked”! Our Father is so sweet and so persistent. Such an incredible encouragement as I pray for my kids and when I get frustrated with their behavior. God is so much bigger then I am- he can handle their disobedience, their lack of change, their hard hearts. HE never gives up- so I will never give up praying. As always, your posts speak straight to my heart!