Over the years I’ve written for a lot of different blogs. Everything from Disney to TV to motherhood! I don’t write for others as much because, let’s face it, I don’t like being on someone else’s schedule. (!!) I’m a say-yes-to-everything kinda person but I’ve learned over the past few years that I need to stay up on my wall and do my best things first.
So, I’m super picky about the spaces and places I give my time. Recently, I decided a new place I’m excited to give my time and words! I’ve joined up with the Missional Women blog because I met the founder, Laura Krokos at the Declare Conference a few years ago and fell in love with her. For almost a year, I had her name on my heart to do something with Truth in the Tinsel. And a few weeks before the TNT crush hit, Laura emailed me and asked me to be a part of Missional Women. I felt like it was a G0d-connection and here we are!
I’ve only written once so far but the more I’m around the blog and the writers, the more I am in love! They are big-hearted women who are doing fabulous things around the world. They are missionaries, mamas and supporters of God’s work in every corner of the globe.
The contributors have a private Facebook group where we chat and share our stories. And every day I am amazed at these women! Honestly, I’m humbled to be around them because I don’t feel very missional sitting in my northern Atlanta home homeschooling my two kids. But that’s why this blog is so cool–the readers are from all over the world, some missionaries in other countries, some in ministry in the US and some women just like me and you who want the world to know God’s love.
Anyway, I’ve got a new post up over there and I’d love for you to read it. It’s about how to raise missional kids in the middle of modern America. It’s so much of what I talk about here on this blog so I think you’ll like it.
Will you also poke around the Missional Women site? Like them on Facebook or Instagram or whatever social media place you frequent? These ladies will inspire you and remind you of how God desires us, calls us and made us to GO and tell others about Him!
I read your post on Missional Women (which I just discovered today), but I didn’t realize you had written it! I followed the link on the post for nickels for mosquito netting and wound up on your blog. That’s when I started to get things figured out. : ) I originally “met” you when you did that book review with Lisa Jo Baker. I am continually drawn to your spunk! Thanks for being such a great Christian presence on the internet.