I’m not a big fan of kids’ apps for my smart phone. I decided a long time ago that I was not going to have games on my phone because if I did, my kids would want to play it. And then I’d have to say “no” and then they would pout and then they would see me doing Instagram and wonder why I could play and they couldn’t. Or worse, I’d say “yes” and my phone would become theirs and technology would further lodge itself in my kids’ lives.
Oh, now don’t get me wrong, we like some apps. I have the Apps Gone Free app and download every decent looking kid app that comes across there. I’ve shared some good ones with you on my Facebook page. We have tons of Toca apps, cool educational apps and lots of storybook apps. But the iPad is easily shelved. It can be a weekly “toy” over a daily activity with no struggle.
So, when someone sends me an email about reviewing an app or spreading the word about their new app for kids, I’m always wary. The app might be the coolest thing ever. It might be educational and have beautiful music and winsome illustrations but it’s still a thing that makes my kids stick their eyes to a screen and fight because it’s not “my turn” yet.
You know what’s coming, right? I’m going to tell you about an app you should download.
Yep. I am.
It’s the The Bible App for Kids.
Of course it is, Amanda. What else would you tell us about?!
I know, I know! But seriously, it’s a cool and thoughtful app.
It’s not really the Bible for Kids, more like a Bible storybook for kids. Right now, there are seven interactive stories for your kids to experience.
Each one has text, moving pictures, hidden items to find and prizes to earn. The illustrations are modern and fresh, the music isn’t insane and the stories are interesting.
What makes the app even better is the people behind it. OneHope (a super cool ministry who’s mission is to get God’s Word to every child. EVERY CHILD.) teamed up with YouVersion (the most popular Bible app) to release this Kids’ Bible app. OneHope is pretty amazing and has created a Parent Resource page with questions and activities to do with each story on the app (my favorite idea? Turn off the sound of the app and have your child tell the story to you!) and printable coloring sheets.
Here’s why this is cooler than just a regular old app. First, the byline and mission, “Help your kids fall in love with God’s Word.”
THIS IS WHAT I WANT. I want my kids to love God’s Word. And if that’s through books, movies, a regular Bible or an app, I want it! But the word I like most here is help. HELP your kids fall in love with God’s Word. That word invites you to be a part of the app. It’s not “let your kids play with God’s Word” or “an app for kids”. This app is an opportunity for you to help your kids know and love God’s Word.
If you use the parent resources, check in on your kids’ progress on the app (you earn points and rewards for every time you read the story) and experience the app together, you’ll find it to be a great tool in your spiritual parenting toolbox.
I think this is true for any resource–books, movies, music, etc. These are not just kids’ toys. These are tools for you to lead your kids to Jesus. If we’re just plopping our kid down in front of What’s in the Bible? and not discussing it, we are missing out on huge conversation. If we put Christian music on the iPod but only play it when the kids ask for it, we’re losing an opportunity to plant God’s Word in their hearts. If we have Bible based books on their shelves but don’t read them, what is the point?!
Leading our kids to Jesus is not about having Christian stuff around us–it’s about interacting with God’s Word everywhere and in everything! Just like God tells the Israelites early in their relationship, ” These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)
I just get so excited about people who want to bring parents and kids together over God’s Word! Regardless of if you download this app or not, will you spend time today impressing God’s Word on your kids? Talk about it? Sing about it? Laugh about it? Write it down? Memorize it? God’s Word is living and active, ready to be a part of your life–and your children’s life!
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Becky says
This is one of the few apps we have and my daughters (8, 5, and 3) LOVE it! My 3 and 5 year old were doing the crucifixion one over and over again, so then we read that whole series of stories in the Jesus Storybook Bible and had some great conversation. I didn’t know about the parents resource page and will totally check it out!
oh amanda says
I know, I can’t wait use this app & that story during Easter/Resurrection this year!
Jenna says
Yes, Amanda, yes. I, too, want my kids to love God and His Word…and it’s my job as a parent to join forces with whoever is “doing it well” to intentionally help keep them focused on those things especially with all the “noise” out there competing for their attention–especially in technology world!
oh amanda says
That’s it, Jenna–joining forces and being intentional!
Thank you!
lauren says
I was so excited when the app finally launched! A few times I’ll be having my bible reading time, and my daughter will grab my phone and snuggle up next to me to read from this bible. We love it!
Melissa says
We discovered this App last month. My 8 year old LOVES it! Thanks for sharing.
LaurenT says
I just downloaded the app today after reading this post. My 4yr old son and I watched the Creation story together before dinner. During dinner, he began asking questions about dinosaurs and if there were any scientists who really knew what they looked like. It was a great way to talk about God being the one who created them and how He knows exactly how each one looked. We really enjoyed this and how interactive each page of the story was, with review questions and the animals that move and make noises. Thanks for the reminder to be intentional in finding ways to talk about God in everything!
Stephanie @ CrayonMarks&TigerStripes says
I am excited to download this! I love apps that teach about God’s word. Thank you for sharing it!
Ann says
Great idea…just not so impressed with the illustration of Jesus on the cross. Thank you for your passion to talk about God’s Word at all times with our kids!! Have you picked up Clay & Sally Clarkson’s Educating a Wholehearted Child? It is blessing me sooo much right now and I think from what I’ve read about your God-oriented passion to teach your children’s mind, body, and soul you would love it too. 🙂
Jo says
You definitely do NOT stand alone on this subject. I don’t like who kids are so hooked on playing games on phones & other tablets. Every time my cousins come over, I refuse to give them it to play with. I also don’t like letting them watch on those devices with at the dinner table. When I have kids, those rules will still apply & they will definitely call me old fashion.