Have you had fun at our backyard party? I hope so! I have so enjoyed reading and interacting with your comments. Hearing all your fabulous ideas and insight makes it feel like a real party–with us sitting around chatting!
Like every good party, it must always end with a goody bag. Now, normally, I’m not a fan of the Goody Bag. First of all, they are usually plastic. Secondly, they contain more plastic inside. Third, nothing in a goody bag lasts longer than about 2.4 seconds.
Instead of goody bags, I’ve tried to do thank-you gifts. When a guest leaves one of our parties, they get a small (very small, and very cheap inexpensive) that has a handwritten (or who am I kidding?) computer generated Thank You note on it. As I am also not great on the thank-you-card-follow-through, this is perfect!
Here’s a few fun thank you gifts we’ve done in the past…
Chocolate Dipped Marshmallows (which were supposed to have mini Moo stickers of Lydia attached…but the stickers arrived AFTER the party…which turned out ok, because now I have a pack of 2 year old Lydia stickers for my very own!) for the Snowflake Party.
A sucker and a finger puppet for the Puppet Party complete with a handwritten “L” from Lydia.
I’ve used this idea twice for Asa (it’s because he’s just so darn cute!): a thank you photo. Kind of like a Christmas card, only a thematic picture of my little boy.
And a few I don’t have pictures of…
- My thank-you-gift fail was at Lydia’s Snow White Party. I wanted to give everyone mini caramel apples. (Apples. Get it?) But they were a disaster. If I did it again, I’d try this apple cuteness.
- The Tangled party gift was a brush and comb from the Dollar Store. *snicker*
- Lydia made a mini loaf of bread and a thank you card at the Little House Party. I found mini loaf pans at Michael’s after Christmas for like 20 cents!
Fun, huh? A good thematic gift makes me happy.
On this blog, I hope I can give you a goody bag with every post. It may be as simple as a download or a link to a good book. Whatever it is, I want you to walk away with something you can actually use, do or treasure. I want to say thank you for honoring me with your time–and give you more than just ramblings on my day.
So, in honor of a Goody Bag, I’m giving away a bag today!
I met Plywood People at Orange two years ago. I fell in love with them immediately. They make these adorable, modern bags from old vinyl signs! Like billboards or those signs your church gets made when there’s a VBS going on. You know what I’m talking about?
What’s cool about this is that the people they employee to make these bags are legal refugees in Atlanta and Charlotte. When refugees come to America, they have ninety days to get a job. These are people who know no one, have nothing and cannot speak the language! Plywood People provides jobs for these people–but do much more with language classes and community.
The other cool part about Plywood People is you can donate your old signs to them. Or order bags in bulk and use them as a fundraiser, etc. I just love how they take a simple idea and take it further.
I have two of these bags (a commuter satchel and another one that must have been a special edition because I can’t find a link to it) and love them. You can fit a ton in them and they are so durable! And since they are made from a billboard, every single one is unique.
Plywood People is giving away a Messenger Bag today! And to make the deal even sweeter, I’m going to fill it with a few goodies for you:
- Plan a {Fabulous} Party Without Losing Your Mind by Mary Carver {kinda appropriate for this week, no?} **Mary just gave us a coupon code for 50% off the book with code OHAMANDA! Woot!**
- Create Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule by Christine Satterfield {a simple book that helps you conquer the clutter and all that jazz!} **Christine just gave us a coupon code for 50% off her book with code 3PerfectCleaningSchedule!**
- Truth in the Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands by ME! {Just thought I’d throw that in there as it’s 66 days till Christmas!!}
- 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker {did I tell you I met Jen at dotMom? I did!}
- What’s In the Bible: Episode 1 {If you haven’t ventured into What’s In the Bible-land yet, you are in for a treat! A very funny, puppet treat!}
plus, a thank you note from me! (Aren’t you excited? I know you are.)
To be entered to win, just leave me a comment telling me how cool you think Plywood People is (are?) and how you could potentially partner with them (maybe buying a bag as a gift, sending the link to your church who prints those banners for every single series and special event, giving them a tweet, pin or Facebook like, or praying for them, etc.), or your favorite goody bag idea or just how much fun you’ve had this week. Whatever, I’m easy.
PS: Have you downloaded your FREE ebook, Praying God’s Word For Your Kids? Subscribe to have it delivered to your inbox!
I love the commuter satchel! It would be perfect for those times I just need to have a bag with a few things in it instead of my entire HUGE purse.
I LOVE that commuter satchel!
I have been lurking around from my reader all week, but today is comment day!! Love the new blog, love the new look, mostly just love you 🙂
Love YOU! 🙂
I LOVE the plywood people. I had the great joy of manning the booth directly across from them at the Orange Conference, and I really loved these ladies and their heart for social justice. I own several bags, a computer sleeve and a wallet from them and I love them all. Such a great idea. Many blessings to them.
Love your blog! Love what Plywood People does! We have a few of their bags around here – use them for all sorts of things. My wheels are turning now, though, thinking of how amazing it would be to bring Plywood People to the city where I live… Hmmm…
This week has been great!! I’m really loving your Praying God’s Word for Your Kids book!!
Yay! Thank you!
Already tweeted about it @LifesaCraft. Glad to know about this company and how cool that it uses billboard signs from ATL and has created jobs for legal refugees as well as providing English needs and other community needs. 🙂 I plan on telling all my GA family and friends personally as well as through social media. A good gift idea! I’m bookmarking their page. Thanks!
Thanks, Kelly! 🙂
I’ve really been enjoying your relaunch this week! Plywood People sounds like such a cool company with unique products, I’d love to win!!!
What a great concept with these bags and what a worthy cause.
I’m going to tweet for the Plywood People!
Just found your blog the other day and already love it. I love the concept of these bags. I hate to buy new stuff anymore. Doesn’t last and there is so much “garbage” out there. This is a great idea. Would love to win one. Also, the books look great. I love your party goody bag ideas. Makes me think of what I could do for my kids next birthday. Thanks!
I feel the same way about buying new stuff! I saw a quote somewhere on the Plywood People website that said, “upcycle your excess”. SO true. We have excess–let’s do something with it!
What a fabulous company, thank you for spreading the word about them!
Thanks for introducing me to this company — what a wonderful idea. I’m bookmarking the site!
I love your goody bag – what a fun week!
I really like the motto of Plywood People: “We Will Be Known By The Problems We Solve.” This sounds like a company that really cares about its customers. THAT is cool!
What an awesome company! I love hearing about places that are doing amazing things like this!!
I want to win because i need all these book helps as mommy and childrens minister ha!!
And I live plywood people too! Saw them at orange this year as well! Isn’t it the best???
I love learning about companies like these. With so many cool ones out there, my Christmas shopping is super easy and I’m adding the Plywood People to my list.
What a great company — how can you NOT want to buy/support it?! Thanks for sharing…it just sparked ideas for Christmas gifts! Thanks!
Sounds like such a great company! So many great ideas all incorporated together to make a great product! And I’ve been looking for a good bag, thanks for letting us know about this company!
Wow, I love that they repurpose old materials AND help people. Fantastic idea!
Great company, great idea! I’m in charge of publicity for our MOPS group so there’s potential to use them! Love the blog. Love your style. Even when I don’t win I still feel like I do when I read things like this.
I love purchasing gifts made from people who actually benefit from the purchase.
Wow!!! So much to be excited about and thankful for. Thanks Ms. Amanda.
I had never head of Plywood People (the name really had me wondering) but I’m excited to share their purpose with my congregation! I love it–RECYCLING, AND providing OPPORTUNITY for those in need.
These bags are so cool! I love that idea– reused goods to make a durable bag!
What a cool company! I liked them on FB, thanks for introducing us! 😀
What a great cause and CUTE bags! I see some Christmas shopping at Plywood people in my future!
Loved that book, 7! Thanks for bringing these great products to our attention! I’m thankful for your blog.
Loved that book, 7! Thanks for bringing these great products to our attention! I’m thankful for your blog. Going to go check out those books.
I’ve enjoyed the ideas you’ve shared this week. Inspiring.
Agreed, this week has been fun. It’s been great getting to know some beautiful, practical products as well. I had never heard of the Plywood People but as the leader of our youth committee, I’ll make sure those VBS banners head their way!
Love the mini gift instead of goodie bag for parties. Must do! Love Plywood People too & will be looking there for some gift ideas this Christmas.
Wow, what a great bag! I’m ready to graduate from a diaper bag and this would be the perfect solution!
I love this idea. I live in a city where many refugees are relocated. There should totally be a Plywood People here too. I did send the link on to an Atlanta friend too.
Someday when we’re all in heaven we’ll have to have a big ‘ol backyard party. How fun will that be!
Last year I had a rock n roll party for my 4-year old son, so we made little shaker/drums out of tin cans with little drum sticks and some suckers that looked like guitars. It was great to combine a craft with the kids’ take home gift. 🙂
Oh, how fun! I love that the bags are made out of something that would otherwise be thrown into the landfill and by people who otherwise thrown into an even more desperate situation. Yay, for helping others and our environment. My brother does a lot of work with refugees, I’m passing this info on to him.
The company sounds really neat. I would love to win! 🙂
I love this idea! I could definitely give these as Christmas gifts! Last year, for Donovan’s 2nd Toy Story party (I’m not letting him have a 3rd one – I’ve run out of ideas), everyone got a cowboy hat and neckerchief as they came in to wear for the party, and that was their “goody bag”. I’ve also made crayon pouches – I think that was for Elias’s 2nd birthday. That was a huge hit, but lots of work…
What a cool idea! Love the heart of the Plywood People people. 😉
Thanks for a chance to win!
Hi Amanda! I’m new to your site and have been really enjoying it! A “cyber friend” from an online bible study shared your link with our group and I’m so glad she did! I downloaded the EBook and want to say thank you! It’s so well done! And I just saw the link here to your daughters Little House party. OMGosh! Wow! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! A girl after my own heart! BTW you & your daughter are beautiful! Looking forward to your posts! Thanks again! 🙂
I appreciate that Plywood People are not only reusing something that would be discarded but more importantly helping out those in need by “teaching them to fish” rather than just feeding them.
Very cool, I love that they are up cycling AND teaching people skills and giving them meaningful work!
What an AMAZING concept…. I had some signs printed up for church and have them sitting in my pantry trying to figure out what to do with them. I NOW know what I’m going to do. Thank you for giving me an “a-ha” moment! I’m doing a happy dance now ;)!
Pretty neat that they are made from billboards and I like gifts that help people at the same time!
So excited for things to come! 🙂 Love how your site just keeps getting better!