This first post of the year I just want to say thank you. Thank you for sticking around ohAmanda. Thanks for hanging out with me. For commenting. For linking up with Top Ten {Tuesday} every week! November and December were record-breaking as far as traffic and interaction goes on my blog. (Isn’t that funny considering I decided to pare down my blog?)
Remember in November we gave a goat to a needy family? In December (which I never told you about), I donated a chicken (in honor of the sisterchicks, of course!). Beginning this month, I’m going to put a button in my sidebar that will link to the gift I you we are giving! That way you can see where the money is going (and hopefully) consider donating yourself!
This month, I just glanced through the World Vision website to see what caught my eye. And immediately I saw a story about a family who lived in the frigid part Romania where the average temperature is 5 degrees. FIVE. Well, I can’t imagine not being able to put on warm clothes or give my children the basic necessity of warmth! So, that’s what ohAmanda is giving this month: coats. But here’s the cool thing—because so many clothing companies donate coats and other winter clothes, when you donate the money for warm clothes, it’s multiplied 11 times! So, one donation is really reaching 11 people! That’s eleven kids that will go to school because they can face the cold weather, eleven kids that won’t die from exposure, eleven kids that won’t have to worry about starting a fire in their home to stay alive. Eleven kids with warm fluffy coats!!
If you remember, my purpose for doing private ads was to be able to have an avenue to give, parnter with other bloggers/companies AND to highlight ministries and organizations that are doing great things. So, the goat, the chicken and the warm coats? Are possible because of the partner(s) I have. (Yup, they are the ones you see in my sidebar and in the bottom of of my feed!)
This month I want to say a big thank you to my partner, Andrea from Savings Lifestyle. When Andrea saw I was open for private ads, she jumped on it. I was surprised and honored because Andrea is a big deal! And I really mean that–she just “gets” blogging. She understands how to use it as a vehicle and platform to help others. And she does so with her blog–not just through the awesome savings-lifestyle-information she puts out there but also with her income and her time. We have met several times in real life and I’m always blessed to be with her because she as fun and genuine in real life as she is online. Thank you, Andrea and Savings Lifestyle!
While we’re passing out thank you’s I also want to highlight the blogs that sent the most people my way last month. Of course, some of them are a little skewed as *I* linked myself to that person’s blog. I just happened to get a lot of traffic from it. Regardless, they are all wonderful sites and I’m honored they linked (or let me link) to me!
Top Ten Referrers:
Money Saving Mom
We Are That Family
Tip Junkie
DIY Life
Loving Christmas
Motherhood Your Way
Life With The Ferrells
Two Peas in a Bucket
Huffington Post
The Motherhood
And while we’re at it, the Top Ten posts {you know, in case you’re still thinking about Christmas stuff}:
Presents Without Bows Are Just Wrong
Coolest Christmas Card Ideas {Top Ten Tuesday}
How To Wrap and Detangle Christmas Lights
Best Advent Calendars Ever
Homemade Gifts For Kids By Kids {Top Ten Tuesday}
Yummy Garlic Sweet Potato Fries
The Best Advent Calendars Ever {2009 Edition}
Chocolate Gingerbread Rice Krispies Treats
Tangled: A Mom’s Review
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Again, thanks to you dear readers for reading, clicking and sticking around. I’m looking forward to this year on ohAmanda!
ps–did you notice I spiffy-ed up the sidebar and footer? Look around, you might find some stuff you didn’t know. And you can get one of my cute buttons for your very own. 🙂
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