The following is a guest post from one of my best and longest friends, Mandi from Its Come 2 This. Enjoy…
“Repeat them again & again to your children”
In Deuteronomy 6:4-9 God gives this word to the Israelites and He is reminding us that we must commit ourselves wholeheartedly to the commands that He gives. But when He spoke about teaching the commands to our children He said “repeat them again & again”. He even went further to say ” … talk about them when you are getting up.” Why? Because He knew that our five year old, our eight year old and even our eighteen year old would need it!!
I know as a 30-something year old adult God is constantly having to remind me of the same truths. So why should I be surprised when I have to remind my five-year old of the same thing?
We’ve just started a great new series at church and I’ve been reminded once again that our children will be inconsistent, but that doesn’t mean we, as parents, should be! We have the perfect example in our Heavenly Father as a consistent, loving, parent.
James 1:17 – “He never changes or casts a shifting shadow”
I cannot allow myself to drop down to a five year old level. Even if I’ve repeated myself over and over and over {insert many times over} again. Even if he deliberately disobeyed or did something he knows he should not have. I must stay consistent – in discipline and in unconditional love.
After all, we have the most perfect example to follow!!
Romans 5:8 – “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
“While we were still sinners”. In the very act of our disobedience Christ died for us! He didn’t wait until we cleaned up our act on our own. He didn’t wait until we were back on perfect behavior to show us his love. While we were still sinners, Christ showed us the ultimate love, the ultimate patience, the ULTIMATE!
Love and discipline can be a very tricky balance to find. But I can say, I’ve failed many times!! It’s hard to show the consistent love and patience in the very act of my children’s disobedience. But it’s in those moments that I need to think about my relationship with my Heavenly Father and most importantly His relationship with me!
While Evan was throwing a tantrum, Mandi remained patient and calm.
While Megan refused her nap and bedtime, Mandi continued to show love and grace to her daughter.
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Mandi is the author of “it’s come 2 this …” – A life blog detailing her personal story from double dates to play dates, business meetings to potty training. Along the way she realized she used to be a really good Mother before she had kids! Now, she’s trying to eat healthier, exercise more, save more & drop her desire for perfection! Because 2 kids later … it’s come 2 this!
Melissa@SimplyMel says
Amen! It’s so important to be consistent and “on top of” bad behaviors. That’s so much harder that it sounds. Thanks, Mandi!
mandi@itscome2this says
So true Mel!! And thanks for the amen:)
Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect says
Preach it, sister! I soooo need to remember this!
mandi@itscome2this says
I need to remember it too!! Definitely preaching to the choir:)
Staci Brown says
I loved the part about “when children are old they won’t depart”. Old means old. 18 is not old. But the picture of them veering off the road and looking back to see their mom and dad in the center of the road is priceless!
mandi@itscome2this says
And even worse that 5 isn’t ‘old’;)