Camp Primo 2009
Every summer since my daughter was 1, my parents have hosted Camp Primo. It’s a special two-day camp just for their grandchildren…all two of them. They never tell us exactly what they are going to do because it’s just a special time for them to hang out with their grandkids.
But it’s not just any old spend-the-night. It’s an honest to goodness camp! We had to fill out a registration form. They get camp tshirts, they’ve got a camp byline (Where Cousins Put Jesus First!), they earn badges and they even have a theme song. It’s the real deal.
Badges earned.
The first year, Lydia was only 1.5 so they had Camp Primo at my parent’s house. They slept in a tent in the living room, they went creek-stomping, visited the nature center, made crafts and even roasted marshmallows. Their theme was based on the story of Zaccheus, “God Knows My Name”.
Craft Time with Papa. Camp Primo 2007.
Year 2 was the big adventure–they camped out at Stone Mountain.
My niece, Nora. Camp Primo 2008.
Yes, in a tent. Yes, they cooked outside. Yes, they brought their own portable potty. Yes, my parents are crazy. Their theme included the story of Jesus providing for the crowd with just a few fish and loaves of bread.
This year my parents wised up and stayed at a cabin.
Lydia and Nora on the bunk bed. Camp Primo 2009.
They made walking sticks, swam (even did a little age-appropriate synchronized swimming!) and learned hiking safety! They did lots of activities about Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea.
Lydia demonstrating her safety whistle on her walking stick.
This year at the Camp Primo Parent Program (yes, there is a parent program complete with slide show), we got to participate in one of the Moses snacks! And here for your enjoyment is the most delicious story you’ll ever hear/taste/see:
The Israelites Crossing the Red Sea. Obviously.
That would be white frosting in a lane down the middle, blue tinted coolwhip on both sides (that’s the Red Sea), crushed graham crackers (for the DRY ground) and of course, Teddy Graham Israelites. YUMMY YUM!
Needless to say, I’m pretty impressed with my parents! It’s one of the highlights of Lydia’s year (LITERALLY). And I know it will have an eternal effect because my parents are making a loving, God-centered environment that the grandkids will always desire to be in and around. Thank you, Mama and Daddy!
Erin says
This is the cutest idea of all time. I LOVE reading your Camp Primo posts. What awesome grandparents those girls have.
.-= Erin´s last blog ..But I do love the Allison Janney starfish =-.
toney says
Amanda – I always look forward to Camp Primo reviews! I secretly wish my parents would do this!!! The grands would LOVE it! Maybe I should start it. 😉 Thanks for sharing.
Sue Tovay says
Too cute! Leave it to Cindy and Darryl to be so creative!!
Leigh Ann says
I am crying! Beautiful investment in blessing the next generation.
Lori says
Wow! I love this. I wish my kiddos could have such experiences, and I feel like I need to file it away to do for my future grandchildren. What a gift!
Leigh says
Oh my goodness! That is SO much fun!!!
Lori A. says
That is absolutely amazing! What wonderful and blessed memories for your children.