how it all began…
What’s a blog?
OMG, have you read this blog?
Wait a minute, honey. I have to see if she updated her blog.
I think I could do a blog.
Don’t tell anyone else, but I have a blog!
I am SO blogging that.
You know, I think I could make money on this blog.
Guess what? I just made $14 on my blog!
All my bffs are online.
I just have to comment on 20 more blogs today.
I’m about to be a super-star blogger.
Twitter! Twitter! Twitter! Twitter!
I think I’m good enough to go to a blogging conference.
Wow, home from conference. Need to findprpeoplemakeadisclosurepolicystartrelationshipswithcompanies and be authentic.
*frantically analyzing stats*
:: :: :: ::
Sometimes I wonder what happened to my regular old WEB-LOG? The log of my day? The insights of being a mom? The words God quietly whispered to my heart? I’ve always said I love the ebbs and flows of blogging. Somedays it’s a CHORE to get a post up, other times I’ve got posts flowing out of my fingers. Some days I see “everyone” around me getting new racecars and interviews with The Queen and I wonder why *I* was overlooked. Other days I have five emails in my inbox from PR companies wanting to send me a sample or a giftcard or ask for my opinion.
And sometimes THESE ebbs and flows get me frustrated. There was a big conversation going around the blogsophere about authenticity and “carpet-baggers”— moms who pretended to be “mommy bloggers” just so they could get FREE stuff. And really, I say, WHO CARES? If Taco Bell wants to send carpet-bagging-mommy-blogger a free taco, let ’em! But I do understand the authenticity factor. Sometimes I get caught up in the BLOGOSPHERE and forget about MY BLOG.
Anyway, as I’ve been thinking about all this stuff I’ve decided on my own blogging manifesto…well, really this is just part 1 & 2 of several…ready?
NUMERO UNO. I’m only going to accept ads/reviews/giveaways/etc. for stuff that fits into one of two categories:
1. I love it and would advertise it for free. In fact, I’ve already blogged about this product/site/show/thingie 100 times. (ie. Disney World. SYTYCD. Tivo. Chocolate.)
2. This would seriously enhance my life or bring joy to my kids. (ie. $50 to TJMaxx, a fairy princess costume, a pirate blanket that makes babies sleep for 12 hours straight)
But if it’s a new air freshener, a crazy new video game or a meal replacement shake, I’m going to say no. And oh, if you knew how hard it is for me to say no. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I don’t want to make waves. I don’t want those PR people to forget about me!
But sometimes I look at my blog and feel like I don’t know it. Not just because of samples and giveaways, but because I’m trying to copy so-and-so’s blog or write for an SEO keyword search or something stupid like that.
NUMERO DOS. Blogging Community.
1. I cleared out my bloglines. That’s right I wiped out all my blog subscriptions. ALL OF THEM. I am slowly adding them back. Not to keep up with everyone that I used to, but slowly adding old and new blogs I feel like I cannot NOT read. So, if I used to comment on your blog and don’t anymore–don’t be offended. I’ll get to it soon. I still love you. I just want to get back to reading, commenting and loving blogs and bloggers. My bloglines was a weight, not the window-of-fun-into-your-life that it used to be.
2. I have decided to close my tweetdeck down during the day. *gasp* I’m only going to keep it open when I’m actually sitting at the computer. Twitter is one big culprit for me not reading and commenting on blogs anymore. The interaction-community thing that blogging did for me has been somewhat upstaged by Twitter. I don’t comment as much on blogs because I talk a lot on twitter. Then I wonder why no one comments on MY posts…
So, now that I have officially made you my blogging-accountability-partner, are you ready to see where we go next? Me, too!
What’s your bloggy manifesto? Do you have guidelines and parementers on your online life?
Busy Mom says
Good advice, I need to follow it, myself. I just kind of go in fits and starts about guidelines for myself. I don’t have anything in writing.
sarah says
Your situation kind of reminds me of say that large family everyone is talking about right now, which is more important fame or family or in your case, fame or a blog that expresses you? I hope you find your balance.
Tiffany says
Amen. I’ve been doing some thinking too. I def spend too much time on Twitter. The key is that I have to give myself permission to not go back and read the tweets I missed while away. Seriously, it’ll be okay if I don’t see what everyone had to say five hours ago.
Between twitter and the reviews and regular blogging I’ve also slacked in my blog reading/commenting. And like you…then I wonder why my blog comments are down.
I’m going to think more about all this when it’s not so hot that my brain is frying.
TCKK says
I’m trying to learn not to feel guilty if I don’t get around to everyone, every day! I have to keep reminding myself this is for fun and if it’s not fun, don’t do it! I’ve never had anyone want me to try something for free or anything like that. But that’s ok. I enjoy what I’m doing and that’s enough. I know what you mean though, it’s hard not to look at others and wonder why I can’t do that. Oh well, for what it’s worth, I enjoy your blog!!
Musings of a Housewife says
I love it. I think you’re right on. I’m constantly re-evaluating. But I haven’t wiped out my Bloglines yet. You go girl! 😉
Alli says
I’ve been having similar thoughts and really been stepping back from twitter lately to make sure I do actually blog and participate in the blogging community. (See, I’m commenting! Normally, I lurk! From my Google Reader.) When I disconnected my facebook from my twitter, it really helped too.
Great post.
Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect says
Great post, Amanda! I am getting to the point where I really dislike Twitter. I have certainly found new, fun people on Twitter, and gotten to know others better. But on the other hand, it’s not adding as much value to my life as the stress it causes. (And I don’t even do it that much!!) So, I’m considering if I really need to force myself to tweet…
Other than that, I’m still working on boundaries and defining what my blog is. It’s tricky, especially when one part of blogging is looking at and reading what everyone else is doing!
.-= Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect´s last blog ..And THIS is why I should never throw anything away. =-.
The Diaper Diaries says
Amen to your manifesto. I just today actually started a reader because I haven’t really read an actual blog in so long. I was spending so much time Twittering, Faceboking, going through countless lame PR emails and stressing about why I wasn’t getting a new Mercedes to test drive that I forgot why I originally loved the blogosphere. So I am reading more, committed to writing better and not just “cause” and to stop accepting lame PR reviews just cause “look someone wants to send me free stuff” (oh and just so you know, YOU my dear are in my reader cause you are one of my favorite people out there in bloggy land 🙂
.-= The Diaper Diaries´s last blog ..Frugal Friday- Old Navy Deals =-.
Mandi says
I love your number one. That was a commitment I made when I started seriously blogging, and I’ve never regretted it! I don’t need more stuff, stuff that I have to clean and move and organize and write about even though I don’t really want to, but I do love the things I love!
Dolly says
I love this! I’m taking a break from writing for a bit, just to comment and actually read other people! I’ve sworn not to get into Twitter for the very same reason you stated.
annie says
I have been a bad blogger. Whatever that means 🙂 …
For me blogging began as a necessity to get info out re: izzy’s status which was critical and changing often.
Then I, like you, found interesting blogs and wanted to play too!
Lured by the thought of making a little money while doing something so fun kinda ruined it all.
So now I’m just trying to figure out where to go from here.
Janna says
I agree with TCKK – it’s should be fun if it’s “extra-curricular”, which it is for most of us (small-time, like me) bloggers.
I am impressed at your bloggy integrity!
There is no lure for the ads and the big stuff for me.
Erin G says
I like this. I am tired of reading some people’s blogs who just peddle freebies from companies all the time or whatever. too many blog carnivals and you lose the mood that originally made that blog what it was.
I’m still in the – just write stuff about being a WAHM and my crazy family – stage. Aside from the occasional guest post or review (which I always do for free), I have no desire to move on from that stage. I would cringe if blogging became something I HAD to do, instead of something I WANT to do.
Anyway I like the manifesto you’ve created and I hope more people do the same. 🙂
.-= Erin G´s last blog ..When Toddler’s Away, Parents Will Play (…or Work) =-.
Heidi says
Hi Amanda,
I am so glad you posted this as I am fairily new to the blogging world and don’t get the conference things or getting freebies. I will have to say I was jealous-mad jealous at those that are receiving freebies, trips to Disney, yada yada yada. I was really feeling bad about myself. That I wasn’t as quirky, funny, understood, not as good of a writer as so and so but then I realized that is the enemy attacking me saying I’m not good enough to blog, no one wants to read my blog etc etc. I really had to take a step back and just be me and if no one reads my blog, then who cares because my purpose of starting a blog was because I don’t scrapbook and I needed a place to save my memories of my family especially as my girls will be moving out before I know it! Thanks for being so honest. Integrity and Purity will carry you far!!
Amber says
I don’t think PR companies like me because I’ve never gotten a request to review anything. Ahh well. But I’d be like you, I’d only review things that I truly loved. Wait, actually a company DID want me to review this new website that looked incredibly boring…so I turned them down. I didn’t know how I’d be able to write about a site that put me to sleep.
I also love my Twitter. I can’t stay from mine.
.-= Amber´s last blog ..Birthday Shopping =-.
Jodi says
I love this! I look forward to hearing more of what God’s whispering in your ear again – always such an encouragement 🙂
I might do my own manifesto post, if I have time tomorrow. If not it will no doubt slip off my radar (I have a very small radar!) and it will never happen, but know that you got me thinking, anyway!
Hillary @ The Other Mama says
I am right about here: “I just have to comment on 20 more blogs today”, but haven’t gotten advertising, yet. I think it’s because I completely agree with your manifesto and don’t want to get to the point where I forget why I’m doing this. I go back and forth about it daily, though, and think I’ll go with ads in the fall. Yes, that’s it… I’ll just put it off a bit more.. Uh huh.
LOVE this post. SO terribly true. Thanks!
Land of Lovings says
I love this! Sometimes I get so frustrated with myself because I can’t get a blog post out every day and then it occurs to me that I don’t necessarily have things to say every single day. Or that as a mom with two preschoolers and a newborn, I may have more pressing matters. Though I still end up feeling guilty for not posting. Can you be addicted to blogging? : )
My blog has changed so much since I started because I’ve seen subscriber numbers and stats go up. I find myself editing my “voice” in ways I wouldn’t have in the beginning. It’s funny how things change along the way. Sometimes I feel like (and get accused of) sharing way more than I should. But there is so much self-editing that goes on people wouldn’t even believe how much I hold back! The one thing I have done is keep my Facebook account private. It is my way of holding on to some personal space on the web that isn’t about “branding” and marketing. My Facebook (despite the fact that I caved and got a vanity url) is just mine. It is for me to be just me with friends and family. I think I need something like that.
I love your “manifesto” and maybe it is time I write one of my own even if I just keep it for me and never publish it. It might be just what I need to keep myself on track!
Will Blog For Shoes says
Good for you! Obviously, I’m not into the whole marketing of my blog (though if I could offer a giveaway every day, I would. It’s kind of like gift-giving to me!). I like your review rules, too.
I find that I’m not reading as many blogs b/c I am on Twitter so much, so I’m closing it when I’m not sitting down in front of the computer & I’m also about to unfollow a lot of folks. There are some bloggers on there that seem perfectly nice, but all they seem to do is promote products. Maybe it’s just getting a little crowded for my taste. I need a fair amount of “white space” to keep my sanity. 🙂
.-= Will Blog For Shoes´s last blog ..Bloggy Ketchup =-.
Amanda says
I came over from Bee’s blog. This was great! I think my blog was better a couple of years ago when I was trying to get more readers, etc. But once I got more readers, I realized it didn’t suddenly make my life awesome and I stopped caring so much about my stats. My writing is not very good these days but I’m recording priceless things that I will enjoy reading later when my kids are older. I feel like my blog is for ME and if anyone else wants to read it, they’re welcome to.
Kacey says
Good for you! After all, it’s your blog, and you need to do what makes you happy.
Blogging is hard for me. I can’t seem to find the time to sit down and post regularly! I’ve decided my life just isn’t that exciting – ha!
candace says
love this amanda – i’m all about keeping it real, but it’s fun to have reviews and giveaways too. love your blog as usual so glad to see you’ll still be blogging, no matter what it’s about. oh and so excited to see you in a few weeks!
.-= candace´s last blog ..Got another birthday boy on my hands =-.