Last year, I stood in front of the card display at Target trying to find a card for my dad and husband for Father’s Day. I opened more cards than I could count and put every one back because none of them reflected the dads in my life. These card-dads were beer-guzzling, lazy, smelly, recliner-sitting guys who occasionally yell at football on TV and snore when spoken to.
Where was the card that showed my dad? The guy who gets up and out the door to work before anyone else in the house is even awake? The man who serves his family by making breakfast on his off days? The one who is up early on Sunday bringing donuts to church and leading kids in Sunday School? The sensitive guy who slipped gifts under my pillow as a kid and still knows how to pick the perfect gift for me as an adult?
Most dads aren’t buffoons or out-of-touch guys who don’t know their own kids. Many aren’t men who prefer sports to God and their family. The dads I know don’t mirror those Hallmark-card-dads at all.
Read more about super-dads who mirror our Heavenly Father + a fun Father’s Day family activity at the Minno Blog!