I once told Kat that I wasn’t inspired by music. She was shocked as music runs through her veins. But I guess my statement wasn’t quite true. Music does inspire me. (It just doesn’t make me get up in the morning–which is what I was talking about!)
Music is one of the easiest ways to memorize Scripture, center my unwieldy mind and worship the Lord. My friend Janna at Mustard Seeds gave me the idea to make a Resurrection Day/Holy Week playlist last year and I had a mini-playlist going. {You have to check out her Easter posts. She is so passionate and purposeful in how she celebrates with her kids. She inspires me.}
This year, since I’ve been doing more Spotify, I made a Sense of the Resurrection Day playlist to share with you! You should be able to click the graphic below and start following and listening! (I think you have to set up an account with Spotify. But it’s free!)
Now, just to be clear, this list isn’t every single awesome song about Jesus. Mostly, it’s songs I love that have to do with Jesus being alive or something that reminded me of the Sense of the Resurrection ebook. There are preschool songs, re-mix songs and worship songs on this list. I think it will be one of those that you listen to and are surprised when one pops up. Or you can just listen to a few here and there when it seems to fit with what you’re talking about.
Regardless, I hope it introduces you to some music that will help you focus your heart and mind on Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Here’s what’s on there so far. I may add some new stuff in the days to come (feel free to leave me a suggestion!):
Hosanna Rock by Yancy // my preschool kids’ favorite song
Hosanna by Donut Man // another fun preschool song
The Springtime Song by Yancy // a preschool-elementary song about the real meaning of this Spring-time holiday
One, Two, Three by Yancy // I love singing this one at church with the kids. It’s the best.
John 3:16 by the Rizers // exactly what it sounds like 😉
Why? by Nichole Nordeman // I probably cry every single time I hear this song.
No Greater Love by Seeds Family Worship // a song based on John 15: 13 & 14, “Greater love has no one than this…”
Eternal Life by Seeds Family Worship // another John 3:16 song
Amen by Seeds Family Worship // this one is Revelation 7:10 & 12, “salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!” {This one would fit nicely with Day 4 if you get into some Passover details about the lamb.}
The Wages and the Gift by Seeds Family Worship // Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23 are in this same song. {Perfect for Day 7 with the nails. Also, the vinegar.}
The Miracle Song by the Donut Man // a preschool song based on John 20:31, the last verse in John’s gospel. {This would be a good fit after Day 12.}
I Want You To Remember by the Donut Man // a preschool song based on 1 Corinthians 14, “I want you to remember…that Christ died for our sins…that he was buried and raised to life on the third day…”
Paid in Full by Yancy // one of my kids’ favorite songs about Jesus paying for it all! (I added the remix, too!)
How Many Kings? by Downhere // this is from a Christmas album, but with lyrics like, “How many gods have poured out their hearts to romance a world that is torn all apart?” it should be on rotation at Easter.
God is Alive by North Point // a live version of a great worship song
By His Wounds by Mac Powell, Steven Curtis Chapman, Brian Littrell and Mark Hall // from Isaiah 53:5. I saw them perform this live. Whew.
Wonderful Cross by Chris Tomlin // I don’t know why but I love songs about the cross. It should be a horrible thing to sing about. But it’s wonderful.
Redeemer by Nicole C. Mullen // This is one of those over-played Christian music songs but I love it. But even after hearing it on the radio 450,000 times, it still makes me excited.
Happy Day by Tim Hughes // We sing this one at church and it does make me happy!
Here’s a lil’ widget of all the songs/CDs if you want them for yourself!
affiliate links included
Glorious Day- Casting Crowns
Glorious Day-Casting Crowns
“One day the grave could conceal Him no longer
One day the stone rolled away from the door
Then He arose, over death He had conquered
Now He’s ascended, my Lord evermore
Death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him”
In Christ Alone by Travis Cotrell is my all-time-favorite Easter song. Thanks for the link love, Amanda. I can’t wait to listen to your playlist. I may have to add some to my Songs of Easter series. http://mustardseeds.typepad.com/my_weblog/songs-of-easter/
My kids and I listen to 90% Christian music at our house, in the car, etc. We love most of these songs the ones we don’t its because we haven’t heard them!
Power of the Cross by Keith & Kristyn Getty & all their other ones for the Easter season.
I am trying really hard this year to connect Old Testament principles to the New Testament fulfillment of them in Jesus. So I have added songs about Jesus being the Lamb to our songlist (i.e. Lamb of God by Twila Paris). For Day One we are able to connect that Mary annointed Jesus with oil, saying that he was the “chosen one” or the Messiah. Then we talked about kings such as Saul and David who were annointed with oil and that Jesus is the King of Kings. You could go one step farther and discuss the other two offices of prophet and priest (which also use the Hebrew word for Messiah) and how they were occassionally annointed with oil and Jesus was the ultimate Prophet (messenger of God) and Priest (the people’s representer). Maybe you will get to this later in the SotR, but I haven’t looked ahead :).
Hi Amanda, I ordered the ebook a couple weeks ago. Now I can not find the link or confirmation email anywhere :(. Any idea what I’m missing??? I need this for my curriculum. Thanks!
email me amanda@ohamanda dot com
I love these! Music is such a powerful vehicle for the Gospel.I would suggest “High Noon” by Andrew Peterson for little boys.
Cute idea with the playlist! 🙂 Love it!
This playlist has been such a blessing! My kids have the lyrics to all of the Frozen songs memorizing. As a parent, it was frustrating because I was them to be memorizing God’s truth, but they never enjoyed listening to the Christian music I played. I have been playing this playlist and they LOVE it. It felt so rewarding to hear my 5 year olds sweet voice singing the lyrics to several of the songs. I was so floored that she knew it so well that I figured she must have heard it somewhere else too. She said, “Nope, just at home.” My two year old did all the motions to the Hosanna song as i was putting him to bed tonight. I love putting these songs in their hearts. Thanks for taking the time to put it together (and please put together more posts like this!) 🙂
Kara: Frozen has been getting to me, too! I find the kids humming it while doing the dishes or while they are doing something else and I keep thinking, “Ugh! I wish a Scripture was popping out of their mouth instead!” We have been loving this playlist–today my kids were singing, “This changes everything! Jesus change everything!” Whoo-hoo! Much better than “Do you wanna build a snowman?!” 😉
Thank you so much for this song list. I love how they help to put our mind on the truth in a world surrounded by commercial distractions. My favorite is “Glorious Day” by Casting Crowns!
I LOVE all these ideas and will be sharing this post on my Facebook page! I love the 1-2-3 Jesus is Alive too- played it last year with the preschoolers at our church! Definitely adding your playlist to my Spotify for the Easter holiday! Thanks for putting together all these amazing Easter ideas!
Yay! Thanks for sharing!