This morning before I even had breakfast, I had already sent one child to their room and the other one was sobbing in my arms for disobeying me. Not to mention the whining puppy and my (I promise I’m not jealous) still-sleeping husband. I had (have) a million things on my to-do list. Things I feel like I should have already done but just can’t get to because life…especially Christmas life has just taken precedence.
I could feel that…thing bubbling up inside me. You know? The thing that makes you lash out and want to roll your eyes at your kids? The thing that makes you short and loud and abrasive? Instead of curling up into a ball on the couch (which is what I wanted to do) or dive into my cell phone or computer, I sat on the couch and pulled out my Bible and journal.
I’ve got a new journal called Prayer with Purpose: Passionate Prayers for Children from Jenica McMaster of Delightful Mom Stuff. It’s a praying-for-your-kids journal (which you know I love!!) and I’ve really been enjoying it. It’s not a big book or step-by-step guide like some of the prayer books I’ve told you about.
This one is really a journal–nice empty pages with just a topic on top and some Scriptures to lead your heart. I usually just flip through the book until I feel the one I need. Lately I’ve skipped over “witness” and “healthy body” for “gentleness”, “passion for God” and “servant’s heart”.
When I begin to read the Scriptures, meditate on them and write my prayers to God in the blanks below, I find that my prayers usually turn back to me. Me begging God to help me be the model of this to my children. Me petitioning for a changed heart. Me asking for forgiveness.
These prayer topics have led my own heart into getting in line with God’s Word. There is something about writing these prayers out. Not just reading them or thinking them. But writing them. Pencil to paper, with underused handwriting makes my mind think in a different way. Slower and without so many rabbit trails. More focused and able to focus.
So, today, after my huffing and puffing, the prayer that was supposed to be for my kids (for them to have a wise tongue) was actually a prayer for me to model a wise tongue, for me to use my tongue to bring life and healing, not pierce like a sword.
And don’t you think, when I pray that for me–it’s for my children, too? Because the sin I see in my own life is something I want to shield my children from experiencing. I can pray with such passion because I know how filthy sin can be. That’s why I pray for them and me.
I’ve been wanting to write a Gift Guide for moms this year. You know, the stuff you’d love to own, you just don’t know about it yet? This Prayer with Purpose journal would be on that list. It’s a simple little journal. But if you open it up and view it as a little space, a prayer closet, an open well, you’ll be refreshed and renewed. You’ll meet with God.
Jenica sent me both journals for review. Opinions are my own.
We have all been sick for over week so my prayer would be for joy to return. And also for the Lord to help me to be patient and understanding with my very emotionally fragile two year old.
This looks like an awesome resource Amanda! I have a praise report, instead of a prayer request. My youngest in going to be a year old next week! I just want to praise God for answering my prayers, not only for another child, but for his heart condition. I prayed for his heart while it was developing, and even though he was born with an issue, it is the best one to have because it is curable when his heart is big enough for an out-patient ablation. God is good and He hears our prayers.
Love that you always have a new awesome resource to share. Since Thanksgiving we’ve all taken turns with varying illness. I’m feeling somewhat behind in the season of celebration. We’re out of rhythm as a family. My prayer request would be to lift the fog and find the music again.
That looks awesome! Today, I am tired (probably from staying up too late after MOPS last night) and I think I am getting a cold that has been passed on from my now healthy 5 year old. Awesome Christmas present!
This would be a wonderful gift! I just pray that I am doing a good job at showing and teaching my children what this season is really about.
I pray daily for my boys to be strengthened in faith, wisdom and love. For myself my prayer is to continually grow in wisdom.
I love the idea of this journal! We are expecting our first baby in a few months – a boy. I’m praying that he fulfills his name’s meaning (Declan – man of prayer) and loves spending time with God. And also for a quick, easy delivery. 🙂
Pray for salvation for my 2 youngest children, great conversations being had, but they must believe for themselves!
Amazing! We are in the adoption process and we are praying for an expedited application process. We are going on 3 years and have approximately 15 more months! We were matched in July and we gave him the name Obadiah, which means servant of God. We pray that Obbie will become a servant of God and he recognizes that a spiritual father loves him more than a physical father ever could. Thank you!!
Please pray all 5 of my children will get to spend together with me and have a wonderful time.
Love this! I am praying for close friendships for my kids!
Thank you for sharing this great resource! I am praying that my two little boys grow up to be men after God’s own heart who serve him first and are not led astray by the things of the world! I pray for my heart to pour out with love for them even during the trying times!
Prayer that my daughter will start to see God for who he really is and that my husband and I will model that for her.
Praying for more opportunities to be the hands of Christ this year – helping others and living His word, not preaching it.
I pray every day for patience for myself to allow my children to be children. Sounds like a great set of books!!
One of my prayers is for a calmness in my heart this Christmas season, so that I can make it a meaningful time for my kids.
Praying that at a young age my kids get what it means to live for God’s glory and their first concern is always how will god get glory in this situation
Wow! I can so relate to this. Yesterday I wounded my daughter with my harsh words. I was feeling pressed, stretched, out of control and instead of going to the source of peace, I took it out on my daughter. I would love prayer for me to forgive myself when I screw up and to seek Him in moments where I’m empty and thin and only want to pour out contempt. I’d love prayer for my kids to fall in love with Jesus more and more and see and believe and receive the greatest gift–Jesus.
I’ve been feeling that my focus for the coming year needs to be family. I’m thinking this would be a very good way to focus my heart and prayers. It has been a season of difficulty in understanding how to love my oldest better and not be constantly arguing with her. Much too often I take the low road in the conflicts. I’ve been praying that I would be more gracious and patient with her and to reach her heart.
My initial prayer request is for acceptance. Acceptance of the things I cannot change (such as my children’s diagnoses of autism). Acceptance that they are good at some things, and not everything right now. Acceptance that time will help and heal. Acceptance of my flaws as well as theirs. Acceptance that we are all broken.
Requesting prayer for financial provision for my family and for self-control for my kids.
What an awesome giveaway! My prayer for my children is for understanding and compassion. Right now my husband and I take care of my mother-in-law who has dementia. Housekeeping and taking care of her is more than a full time job for both of us. My kids are left alone and asked to watch our 2 year old alot. I just pray for them to have compassion for others and that some day they will have an understanding of why mommy and daddy cannot always be there for them right now. Thanks!!
It has been a hard year for our family. A hard. Year. The past four months has seen us move 8 times while waiting on job decisions. My prayer is that through all of this, through the stress, the uncertainty, my melt downs, that they experience God in a real, tangible way and that we all be drawn closer to Him because of it all.
This sounds so neat! I was getting in a better habit of reading the Bible and focusing on my prayers, but Christmas busyness has snuck in to takeover my free time. I’ve been wondering why life is so crazy right now. Why aren’t things going as smoothly? Then I realize, dust off the Bible!!! Focus on your prayers!! Saying “Jesus is the reason for the season” is sometimes easier to say that to act out. 🙁 My prayer request for myself is to be a better example of a lover of Jesus at Christmas-time. My prayer request for my children is to be a good example to their friends.
My prayer is that I would teach my children to walk in the Truth of God’s word all the days of their lives!
Thanks so much for sharing! I’m a momma of four and would totally love a journal like that and my younger sister is pregnant with her first and she would as well!!!
I pray that their knowledge of the bible translates into the actions of their heart. 🙂
I love the idea of a focused journal with topical scriptures. My prayer request for me and my children would be for help in prioritizing our activities so we won’t be too tired to be obedient.
My oldest is struggling with fears. Hurts my heart.
THis is the first time I have heard of this. Wow! I would love to win one for myself and a friend. These look amazing. I have just recently been learning and devoting time to praying Scripture for my husband and my children as well as friends. It has been so exciting to learn this new-to-me technique and apply it. I want to pray that my children will love God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. Because that will help them so much in life and following His direction, staying away from sin.
Prayer request would be to get baby girl on some kind of schedule (she is four months old) and for her to know Jesus when she is very young. And for her to walk in the calling He has for her and to know how to raise her in that calling.
My kids are my youth kids (started as the youth pastor 5 months ago)…that 2014 would be one of bonding as a community and that they’d know God’s crazy and wild love for them!
Love this. Praying for wisdom in handling my emotions and teaching the kiddos how to subdue their emotions. Definitely an area where my prayer for them is my prayer for me.
This prayer is for a friend who just this week found out she is expecting number 4! It’s a complete shock and surprise. My prayer for her unborn child is 9 months of developing and growing into a healthy baby. That her delivery be safe and during the next 9 months she is able to prepare her heart and mind for the arrival of this precious gift from God.
I am 32 weeks pregnant and have little patience for my sweet (but sometimes difficult) 4 yr old and 2 yr old. Praying for wisdom as I parent during this challenging season of life.
Hey there!!! So cool that you shared this and so sweet for you to pray for everyone. I am having gallbladder surgery on Dec 27th. I am sooo nervous. I guess bc I am a new mommy and I have never been put under before. Please pray for every thing to go smoothly, they should be able to do Laparoscopic surgery. Pray that recovery is quick since I have a 6 month old at home. Miss you guys and hope you all are well.
I have never heard of these before and would love to win. My prayer life is quite lacking.
I so often get that thing bubbling up inside of me. I loath what I become when it happens. I long to be an example for my two children and to lead them to the Lord. I fear I will not do a good job but must continue trusting them to the Lord. Even though I fail and sin everyday. Thank you for your prayers and for a place to share.
Well currently Miss Libbie-o is puking in her bed. So I am just praying this is not a real sickness!
My actual request is that I have been very fearful about her going to kindergarten next year. I am worried we will never see her … just pray we will make the right decisions for her and our family.
Is Libbie still sick? Praying for her. And you. And kindergarten. Love you.
I would love prayer for grace and patience during this season in our lives. I’m one tired Momma with three energetic youngsters and one more on the way! My husband and I are doing our best to keep up with all of life’s demands during a busy season.
This sounds wonderful, and i could use the Diane in my prayers for my children. Thanks for the giveaway