Welcome new friends from the MOB Society’s Boy Mom Blog Hop! If you’re an old…er, I mean, current friend, thanks for letting me introduce myself & blog once again! 🙂
Every night before my almost 4 year old Asa goes to bed he says, “I wuv you, Mommy.”
Sometimes when he’s feeling silly he says, “Mommy. You’re da’ best!”
I’ll say, “You’re the best!” and he replies, “No! You’re da’ best!”
And if he’s feeling really excited he’ll say, “You’re da’ best! Better than the rest!”
Of course, this is also the same boy who I found this morning eating marshmallows out of a bag before breakfast. He’s the same little guy who dresses up like a Viking, cowboy, superhero and pirate on the same day. He jumps on my head, jumps down the stairs, jumps off the bed and jumps in the bathtub.
Being a “boy mom” is definitely a new adventure every day. I constantly question myself. I wonder how I can raise a boy to become a husband and father. I hope I can lead my boy to be a leader and example among his peers. I try to impress God’s Word onto this future man’s heart.
This blog is really just the record of that journey. How I lead both my kids to love Jesus in small ways now–that will grow to fruition throughout their lives. Here’s some of my favorite posts and boy-type stuff we’ve done lately…
A Family Prayer Box. Asa loves this thing. Plus, he looks pretty cute modeling it for me!
Walking Sticks & Following the Shepherd. This is a sweet tradition for your little boy!
Turtle Necklaces. This is some manly jewelry! And it’s coupled with some strong Scripture, too!
Do you have a boy in your house? Introduce yourself & him in the comments! What’s his favorite thing to do?
If you wanna meet more boy-moms, check out the fun Boy Mom Blog Hop this week at The MOB Society!
Jennifer says
Stopping by from the Blog Hop! Love the turtle necklaces!
ohAmanda says
Thanks, Jennifer! 🙂
Mattie says
Hi there! Visiting from the bloghop. My name is Mattie, I’m a work at home, home schooling, adoption advocate/worker, who has a 5 year old son, Ethan. Love your blog, I will be visiting more 🙂
ohAmanda says
Yay! So nice to meet you, Mattie (and Ethan, too!)!
Sherry @ The Sweet Life of the Reeses says
Hi, Amanda! I’m Sherry. I’m a Mom of two boys, 5 and 1. Your blog is truly an inspiring masterpiece, and I love the idea of instilling God’s love into the hearts of our little men. With all these great boy moms I’ve meeting on the blog hop, I am thinking the future of men is not looking too bad. Thank you for joining and sharing your little men and your ideas with us!
ohAmanda says
True, Sherry! I love the way you said it, “the future of men is not looking too bad!” Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂
Nancy M says
My wonderful pastor’s wife, Rhonda Stoppe, of Patterson, CA, has recently had her book, Moms Molding Men, sent off to be published–so look for it soon! She also ministers to other pastors’wives at retreats and such and has a real servant’s heart.
ohAmanda says
OOooh, I can’t wait to hear more about it! Let me know when it comes out. 🙂
Nancy L Miller says
I sure will! I have told many of our women at church about your blog–keep up the good work for our moms!
ohAmanda says
Thank you, Nancy! What an honor!
Rachel Halpin says
I have three crazy, wonderful boys: 7, 5 and 2. I love my homeschooling, boy mom life! And I have loved your blog for awhile now. Thank you for all your creative ideas and words of encouragement!
ohAmanda says
Thank you, Rachel! Our kids are close to the same age—I always love meeting people going thru the same steps of parenting as me! 🙂
Sheena @ An Imperfect Life says
Hi Amanda.. I am an old/current reader – also a boy mom of triplets :). Nice to meet you again!
ohAmanda says
Boy triplets! Good job, mama! You know Jen from 4tunate.net, right? She’s got boy quads! 🙂
Esther says
I have an almost 4 year old named Blaise!! He loves Spider Man and dressing up – he changes outfits more times then I can count in one day (which is not easy on my laundry pile!) He is the youngest of three other siblings. But he does a great job of being a big boy and holds his own. He gives us Ice Kisses and loves those Legos and trucks. He enjoys art – coloring, dot to dots, painting, playdough, and DUCT Tape – or really any type of tape!! Thanks for the encouragement!! Love the ideas!
ohAmanda says
Esther! Nice to meet you and Blaise! Sounds like my Asa-only this morning he was a sheriff, not a super hero. 😉 And duct tape–yes, always a good adventure to be had w/duct tape!