On Sunday I was at Target (alone!) and stopped to tweet this:
It is like a family tradition that anytime we see a 70% off sign at Target or Michael’s we stop and buy a basket full of stuff. When everything is only 30 cents, you can buy almost 75 different pieces for $25! We usually stock up on socks, hair accessories and school supplies because they fit into our shoeboxes best. I love having my kids think about Operation Christmas Child all throughout the year. I want them to think outside of their own spoiled American life as often as possible.
This week, I was reminded about Samaritan’s Purse (who does Operation Christmas Child) again when I heard about what they are doing in South Sudan. It’s been a year since South Sudan has been an independent nation. Hundreds and thousands of people are fleeing North Sudan every day and coming to refugee camps in the South. Samaritan’s Purse has two refugee camps which takes care of 200,000 people.
They are caring for basic needs–water, shelter and food. But even in this place of refuge, supplies are scarce. People are building homes out of sticks. Women stand in line for three to four hours a day to fill up a dirty bucket and still get not-enough-water to drink, bathe and cook. I add lemon to my water. I’ll pour a cup of water in the sink if I left it in there overnight!
Each refugee family gets a 110 pound bag of sorghum, a can of cooking oil and a bag of beans to last them for one month. Y’all. I stress about planning three meals a day to go along with my self-imposed strict healing-foods-diet for my family. I buy fresh food from a local farmer and sometimes I throw fruit away if it’s overly ripe! There are almost 40 grocery stores within 15 miles of my house.
Malnourished people are flooding into the refugee camps. The number of malnourished children receiving outpatient therapeutic feeding has increased by 30 percent since May. The number of severely malnourished children admitted to their inpatient stabilization center increased by 181 percent. The highest number of inpatient admissions (73) in a single day was Tuesday, July 3. SEVENTY THREE malnourished kids admitted in one day!
Sometimes I’m the one that needs to be reminded of the real world outside my spoiled, American life.
Will you watch this video about the Sudanese refugee camps? See the people? The heart of Samartian’s Purse to love others in Jesus’ name?
Now, will you do something?
Maybe give?
Maybe just LIKE their pictures on Facebook so others can hear their story?
Maybe pray right now with your kids for the kids and families of Sudan?
And if you’re like me and want to know more, watch these videos about the Sudanese refugee camps. You may even want to show them to your children–expand their world and their heart!
>>Donate to Samaritan’s Purse South Sudan Projects<<
SleepyKnitter says
Thank you for this post. After reading your post, I “Liked” the SP pictures on Facebook and I opened up the link to the videos, which I will watch this evening and choose one to show my children. We will look into the shoebox link and prepare to do that for Christmas. Our three children are adopted, and two have experienced suffering earlier in their life, but neither has any overt memory. Just the same, they are so compassionate — I think they will connect with the project. Blessings to you! Love your blog!
Bethany says
Thanks for this post–it’s so easy to lose perspective.
Mozi Esmes Mom says
My 5yo obviously read this post before our Walmart trip last week… 🙂
Sarah, from Samaritan's Purse says
Amanda, we are so thankful for your ministry here on Impress Your Kids, and your willingness to spread the word about the needs of these refugees.
Your prayers and support are making a huge difference in South Sudan!
ohAmanda says
Love you, Sarah! Thank you for making such a big difference with and for Samartian’s Purse!