A few days ago I had a memory of a story I used to tell when my husband and I traveled to camps and churches for special kids’ events. It’s not something I made up, but I think I perfected it pretty well. I thought you would like it–either to show your kids or to copy yourself and make with your kids or share with your church.
All you need is a piece of thin cardboard (thinner than foam board but thicker than posterboard), a few paper fasteners and a working knowledge of Mark 2:1-12!
Ready? Grab your kids and enjoy!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this ~ My husband & I are the preschool team leaders at church and do lots of storytelling to teach Bible lessons and we are certainly going to use this. Thanks so much for sharing such a fantastic idea!
Thank you! This is a fun one–but it did take me some practice. Especially w/that cross part at the end! 😉
Love it…..I will definitely be using this in Sunday school. As always, thanks for sharing and taking the time to post!
You’re welcome! It was fun. 🙂
Oh my word, you are the cutest thing EVER. My 3yo watched with me. “Mom! Look! It’s the number 4!” (I think we should revisit the lesson – HA!)
Well, I’m glad I didn’t make the #4 backwards–then he would have said, “Why is there a P up there?!” (not that I’ve ever done that before…)
This brought tears to my eyes! I am always looking for ways to share God’s word with my boys in a way that will keep their attention as they are 6 & 4. I thank the Lord that there are wonderful people such as your self who share great ideas for those of us who may falter a little in that area. Thank you for sharing and giving my spirit the lift that it needed to say “yes I can!”
Thank YOU, Shirley! What a compliment. And YES! You can!
That was awesome, Amanda! I’m going to replay that for the girls to watch. You should make more videos for kids. ;o) You’re a really good story teller.
Aw, thanks, Amy! I think I might! 🙂
I love it! Thank you for sharing. You definitely have a gift of entertaining children and sharing a great story.
Have a blessed day :).
Aw, thanks! I’ve told that story lots of times. It’s a fun one. 🙂
What a great lesson! We just watched it and my Lydia started pointing at the end “a cross, a cross”! 🙂 I agree with what someone else said, you should do more children’s videos!
You are just too cute and you do such a great job telling the story!
Aww, you’re sweet! I might do some more—I wanted to see what everyone thought first! 🙂
Well, it looks like we’re all in favor of some more! No pressure though! 🙂
This is great! We do a weekly kids’ program at an apartment complex in our community… the kids are elementary age but speak English as a second (or third or fourth!) language, so I love fun stories with good visual to share with them! This will be perfect (we’re already scheduled to cover this story in January 🙂
Yay! I’d love to hear how it goes!
sister i really thak God for you and the gift He has given you… shine more for Jesus…
This is wonderful! I can’t wait to show my kids!
I finally did this yesterday (I had posted above that I would do it in January, but we got a little off schedule) and it went great! We often have trouble with discipline/keeping kids’ attention when we do the Bible story, but they were super engaged.
One of the older boys (middle school) said, “for once, I actually enjoyed the story today!” (I’ll choose to take it as a compliment and not an insult for all the other weeks, haha.)
Thanks for the great idea!
Also, I typed out the text of what you said in the video as a reference… I can email it to you or to anyone else if you’re interested in having that as more of “script”… just reply to my comment and let me know!
I would love to have the script…that is the best illustration ever!
Have a blessed day.
I just posted it below! So sorry it took so long – I just found it today.
Do you still have a script of the “Jesus heals the Paralytic” story from 2012? I would greatly appreciate it if I could have a copy sent as I am leaving for Haiti on Tues. 2/10/2015 and am going to be using the story during 2 VBS’s that I will be teaching at.
Thank you Cherie Swink
This is great! I am going to use it in my Sunday School Class this next week. I know the kids will just love it. If you still have the script available would you please send it to me.
I’m getting ready to use this story in Guatemala soon and would also love the script if it’s still available.
I would love to get the script for this. I need to translate it to Spanish for June mission trip. I would like to hear from you if it is possible to receive the script, so I will have time to memorize the story. Loved the presentation.
I just posted it below! So sorry it took so long – I just found it today. I think it’s too late for your mission trip but maybe you can use it in the future!
I would love to have the typed script for VBS. I tried writing out most of it. I am planning to tell the story while my 17 year old “acts it out” with the strips. Thanks so much for sharing.
I just posted it below! So sorry it took so long – I just found it today.
Thanks for the video. Have you done any others? We’re doing this story for VBS this year and I’m teaching for the first time. I’m very excited to use this method to teach the story in a way that the kids will really sink into. My 2 and 3 year olds were captivated by your video too. Thanks for all your resources!
I’m curious as to what people have used to make this.
Here is the script! I had mentioned several years ago that I had it, but then couldn’t locate it whenever I was getting replies to my comment above. But it turned up today when I was searching for something else in my email. Hope this is okay to share!
Four Friends, a Roof, and Jesus
[cards folded up]
Once upon a time there was a man, and he had a problem – his legs didn’t work.
[hold at middle brad so legs dangle back and forth]
He couldn’t walk, he couldn’t run, he couldn’t ride his bike, he couldn’t jump on his bed
And he had to sit in the same spot all the time because his legs couldn’t work
But this man did have one very good thing
Actually he had 4 of them
[make cards into #4]
He had 4 good friends, and these 4 friends had heard that a man named Jesus was coming to his town – the town was called Capernaum
And they heard that Jesus had been making blind people see
[cover own eyes with one hand]
He had been making deaf people hear
[hold up hand next to ear]
And he had even raised some people from the dead
And when they heard that they thought, “If Jesus can do those things, I bet He can heal our friend and make him walk again.”
Well, they had a good idea to get Jesus and their friend together
[turn 4 into bed shape]
So, they made a bed, a big bed that their friend could fit on, a bed that they could carry to Jesus
And they took their friend to the place where they knew that Jesus was going to be
And when they got there, they were shocked
It was crowded with people! They couldn’t even get inside right away
[Make into a square and peek through it]
They had to go up to the window and look inside the house
And when they did, it was standing room only – there were too many people in there and there were no places for them to be!
Except they did see Jesus right in the middle, and they said “We’re not giving up! We’re gonna get our friend to Jesus”
So, they walked around to the back of the house and they found some stairs
[make into stairs]
Some stairs to the roof of the house
They took their friend up to the roof, and they did something… you won’t believe it
They tore a hole in the roof
[make a hole in the shape of a diamond]
A giant hole in the roof so they could put their friend and his bed right through the hole!
And that’s just what they did!
[flat vertical line]
They tied a rope to their friend’s bed and they dropped him down right in front of Jesus
Well Jesus wasn’t surprised by this
[fold cards back up together]
He looked down at the mat and He said, “Friend, because of your faith your sins are forgiven”
Well some of the religious leaders heard this and said “How can He forgive sins?”
Jesus looked at them and said, “I know what you’re thinking, but I have come from God, and just to prove that I can forgive sins…”
He looked down at the man and said, “take up your mat, get your bed, and walk”
And what do you think that man did? That’s right. He stood right up, picked up his bed, and started walking. I bet he did a little jumping too.
And all of the people in the house, outside the house, and definitely the guys on the roof started cheering and rejoicing and praising God
Did you know that Jesus wants to do the same thing for you?
[remove brad and turn it into a cross]
Your legs might not be broken, but Jesus died on the cross for me and for you
And the Bible tells us in Psalm 133 that he forgives all of our sins and heals all of our diseases
And when we put our faith, our trust in Jesus just like the man and his friends did then we can see miracles in our life
You’ll have forgiveness of sins, and even healing in your body, because of what Jesus did for us on the cross
Thanks, this is great. I’ll be using this for our preschool group. God Bless!
Thank you for the great lesson! I did this class for a group of kids from 5 years old to 5th grade last night. The composition of kids was a mix of children with autism and those without. Since this was the first time I had interacted with these kids, I was nervous about captivating their attention and passing on the heart of the lesson. They absolutely loved it! Thank you for sharing how we can make the gospels more engaging, entertaining and faith-building!
Love this! What type of cardboard did you use and where can I find it? I only have poster board.