Sometime in between my shy elementary school years, my awkward middle school years and now too-old-and-decrepit-to-do-anything-fun years, I used to be an actress. OK, I wasn’t like a great actress. But I was in a {really great} play in college, I did a few church plays and every week played a character for a skit in children’s church (Usually a boy. Why did I always have to be the boy?!). Once I even played a princess at a week long kids’ program at our church and the local news came out to film us…of course, a story about pigs took our place. But still! I was acting to a camera!
And in all that, I used to do some pretty decent accents.
Of course being from Georgia, I can do all forms of southern accents–the redneck, the genteel socialite, the hick and the southern belle. And if you didn’t know, Southern accents and British accents are connected so I can do a fair impersonation of the King’s English.
The only time my inner actress comes out is when I’m reading books to the kids. And because I finally went to the library and paid my double digit late fee, I thought I’d share with you my
1. Sixteen Cows
We got this one at the library today and I loved it from the first sentence. You can’t help but slip into your best country western drawl with this one. The names of the sixteen cows are mooosic to my ears: Mudskipper! Sassafrass! Mazie Bell! Honeydew! Suzy Q! I practically want to read this one to myself for fun!
Come on, you get to say “Chiuahua Cheese and Crackers” and “bumblebeeto bandito”. How can you not break out a Hispanic accent with that? And my Mama June Bug Jones leans heavily into Alfre Woodard in Heart and Souls.
I think I like this one a smidge more than Skippyjon Jones. It’s about the sheriff of Dog City and his friends–Miss Kitty (a cat), Buffalo Gal (a buffalo), Wild Bill Hiccup and Wyatt Burp (twin pigs) and Billy the Kid (a goat). How much do you love that?! It is SO funny.
We read the third one, Ten-Gallon Bart Beats the Heat where Bart goes to Alaska. And oh, if I could do a good Alaskan accent it would be perfect!
This is one of the first picture books I ever bought for Lydia. And I bought it at a library for 10 cents. All the pages are half torn, the cover is coming off but I just love the story! It’s all rhyme and counts up to 12. There are only a few “voices” in it–buzzing bees, a platoon of ants and a squeaky moth. But my favorite is to let Miss Spider, a gracious tea-party loving hostess be as sugary and sweet tea as anyone from Georgia could ever be.
I just read this book to Becky‘s kindergarten class for Read Across America. She said I was the best reader of the day! And I owe it all to my pirate accents! I can’t help it–the captain Braid Beard in this book is just so fun and written so wonderfully! He says things like, “Down the hatch, me hearties!” and “Pirates don’t tuck!”. Plus “scurvy dog”. Tell me you aren’t doing an accent in your head!
This is also one of our favorite books because Staci gave it to me at Asa’s shower and all my friends and family signed it for him!
6. I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato (Charlie & Lola)
My mom gave me this book when Lydia was a baby because I WILL NEVER NOT EVER EAT A TOMATO. *shudder* Lydia loved this book more than any other. I remember on our flight to California when she was like 9 months old, I read it to her 12 times in a row and she never got tired of it. I didn’t do my British accent on the plane, of course. But at home–I’m not afraid!
7. Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
OK, so Moo and Quack aren’t accents. But if I don’t do a REAL “moo” or “quack”, my kids are on me! Moo is pronounced, “Mooooooooo!” and Quack is at least a 3 syllable word. And don’t even get me started on Thump, Quack, Moo
8. Harry Potter Audio Collection
Well, I can’t really do all the accents for the eleventybillion characters in these books. But Jim Dale can. And he does! I’ve never heard so many dialects come from one man. He’s simply amazing. If you’re into accents, he’s the best to try to imitate. Not that I ever have, of course.
9. {I’m stumped. All the kids books are upstairs. Can I get back to you on this one?}
10. Which book makes your inner actor shine?
Link up your Top Ten list and join in the Top Ten {Tuesday} fun! All you have to do is WRITE a top ten list, PASTE it below, LINK back to me in your post & then start LOVIN’ on the rest of the participants with facebook likes, stumbles, comments and tweets! For better and more succinct guidelines see my Top Ten {Tuesday} page!
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Wow! I actually managed to be first 🙂
What a fun list of children’s books! We’re in the market for some new entertainment around here because we’ve read One Fish, Blue Fish for the millionth time (really starting to let our inner actors out on this one now). 🙂
I love the accents, and yes, I was doing them in my head as I read your book list. I can certainly see why the kids love it when you read to them … it’s not the books … it’s you!
Hi Scribu. I have an old PHP 4.4.8. I have asked to my dealer if is posblsie to change it to PHP 5 or up buy I don’t know if they can.So, I want to know how can I get the plugin working with a php version under 5. I get this message in my WP admin panel when I activate the plugin:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or }’ in /home/visualq/public_html/v3/wp-content/plugins/smart-archives-reloaded/smart-archives-reloaded.php on line 27Thanks in advance.
sCmZcV ikbnofmmctff
Oh, I loved your list. Many of those frequent our shelves often or have taken up permanent residence, but there were a few new ones that I’ll need to look into. I think our little ones would love Sixteen Cows.
My current favorite for a British accent is Dr. Suess’ There’s a Wocket in My Pocket. Well, I attempt a British accent, but only when I’m the only adult in the house 🙂
I realize how thick MY accent is when I read Dr. Seuss…there’s one about “get wet” and in the South those 2 words do NOT rhyme!
I need to check out some of those books. They all look so great. I personally feel like I should get some kind of award for how I read Dr. Seuss’ Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?
Totally! I love that one!
I’m going to blame you, when my arms cannot carry any more books home from the library!
WE LOOOOVE Skippy Jon Jones … that series is hysterical!
I’m off to check out more on the list. My kids will love you!
First time participating in Top Ten Tuesdays – thanks for this great linkup!
Out of this list, lil man really likes Skippyjon Jones, these are all great books!
The reason why most of the mhonts are not links is because the plugin didn’t find any posts in them. Did you exclude any categories in the settings page?You can hide the empty mhonts by adding this line to your style.css theme file: .emptymonth{display:none}In resume: i want that the post of the current month will be grouped as a month link and none as a year link.I’m sorry, I don’t understand.
Thank you for pointing that out Josh I hadn’t aclatuly forgotten it, I just didn’t have a chance last night to change it (it’s a teeny bit more work than a five second style sheet switch). I might keep a variation of it, i.e., Bright Meadow went/supports Pink for October , I’m not sure.To be truthful, it’s the least of my worries. Nuking the pink was my main concern!
What a fun list…makes me miss the days of read-alouds and library trips.
I’m joining in for the first time. Thanks for hosting!
You gotta love The Gruffalo!
I love Love LOVE kids’ books. I think I could happily be a children’s librarian. (Wonder if my library is hiring…) It doesn’t involve accents, but we really get into it when we read “The Gruffalo,” by Julia Donaldson. It’s one of our favorite read-alouds, and reading all of the animal voices is really fun!
Ooo – Skippy Jon Jones is a favorite for accents around here! We just got “A Bedtime for Bear” by Bonny Becker out of the library this week, and it lends itself to a british accent… Also a fav, “Shoeshine Jackson” is written with a wild west twang, and it’s impossible for me to read it plain…
This list rules! I have never actually thought to do accents when reading to my son. What kind of mommy am I?! I do do all the animal noise and have a real affinity for the rythym of Dr. Suess, but we have Skippyjon Jones and tonight he will sound true to his heritage, or at least as close as I can get him;)
Glad you like it. :)a link below each month allowing the vsiotir to go back to the top where they can choose the next month or year or whatever.That’s an interesting it possible to nofollow the links to each post in the archives?No, it’s not possible directly, but why would you want to nofollow links to your own posts?
I don’t really read books with accents, but with rhythms. Books like Chicka-chicka-boom-boom. It starts off slow and meandering and then I get faster and faster. Then the story slows down a little and I slow down. Most rhyming books and counting books have good rhythm. 10 Little Ladybugs & 8 Spinning Planets are two faves in that category.
Although I wll never forget that time in high school. My church had hosted a group from South Carolina and some of the members of the group stayed with my family for the weekend. In the week after they left, I read “The Monster at the End of the Book” to my little sister. When Grover started yelling, I busted out with that South Carolna accent I’d heard all weekend. (unintentional – but it worked!) Now, I can’t read that book without the accent.
Oh yes, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! The kids do that one with pats and claps, too!
It spins a very durable pruodct very well made ready. It’s not all in the list, but I could not for some of the herbs with spices that are used more often as Adobo and Adobo with pepper. that the pruodct works as described. You have to say Cans. once again has come up with glass bottles not plastic. I say this because the most important thing I was looking for something to spice jars glass held in place and did the job. If you are looking for something with the jars I have this one. other sets of the same company to come up with plastic jugs, but as of 08-09-06 This pruodct comes with a very strong nice glass jars.
ztf7Br xthvjqfpwbhg
Oh, how I love to read Skippyjon Jones, too! When I taught kindergarten, the other teacher would always get me to come read it in their class because I had so much fun with the accents. I also taught in an inner-city school where half of my class spoke Spanish. They couldn’t understand the whole story, but they thought it was hilarious that tried speaking like them. The kids loved it!
I love this post! If you don’t mind, I am going to make my own top 10 accent books! LOVE IT! And, as always, thanks for hosting!
My daughter is still quite young and doesn’t have the patience to sit through a whole story. Right now, we sing a lot of songs but I’m sure when she’s older, I’ll get to try out all my amazing accent ;).
Have a blessed day, Amanda!
cupcake8million Posted on congrats- your liinvg my dream since you won’t see your family/ friends for a long tie you could go cheesy- wish you were here or on the trail again or Where in the world is (your name)? Best of luck!
qhBQqH tnseenhmybgn
I have always read to my kids with exagerated voices! Much more fun that any other way of doing things.
Fun list… was hoping you had recorded something for us… Click Clack Moo’s Amanda Version I would love to hear!
Smart Archives Reloaded Smart Archives Reloaded is an enhanced veiorsn of the Smart Archives. It’s easier to setup, there’s no code editing required, it features better caching and now you don’t need to wait when publishing a new post and provides you settings page to choose how you want the archives displayed.
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How fun! I’m not too dynamic when speaking in front of grown ups, but in front of kids I’ll do very silly things to make them laugh!
This is a wonderful post. I’m not that great with accents (except the Hispanic one, which I am VERY good at), but my kids love it when I read with lots of EMOTION. I have been reading Owl at Home to my little boy, and when I read Tear-Water Tea, I read the words in a sobby voice. If I don’t sound sad enough, my son makes me read it again and again until it’s up to his standards. He’s basically my director.
Oh yeah! Skippyjon Jones is the best for practicing our Spanish accents! Love your list, and I love making fun voices, too. Another of our favorites is the “Hank the Cowdog” series. I talk like cowboys, and I give Drover (Hank’s particularly unintelligent sidekick) a dumb surfer’s voice. Such fun!
I just linked up my first TTT entry. I’m excited to see everyone else’s entries! VERY excited. I had so much fun putting mine together. It took me a while to to because I posted a picture with each item. But I think that makes it even more fun.
I look forward to sitting down and seeing the other entries.
And can I just say that the picture of your little guy in the next entry about going to a new church totally made me smile from ear to ear.
Off for lunch and then gonna visit some TTT blogs. I look forward to the visitors to mine as well.
Have a good one!
What a fun list! Mommies wear many hats and great acting skills at reading time is a fun part of that! ;0)
Hi Scribu.The reason why most of the mohtns are not links is because the plugin didn’t find any posts in them. Did you exclude any categories in the settings page?.I understand how the plugin works and that’s what I was looking for: a smart archives plugin with excluding categories in block format.But, If you see at the example that I posted, take a look at the post from 2009. I made a testing post recently (the date: 24.01.2009). But the plugin only generates the link as a year link (2009) and keeps the month in course Ene (translation in english: Jan) as an empty month instead of a month link .Let me know if you canb4t understand me. I really apreciate your help and patience. Thanks, once again.
rM0V9G wtwckssxppyt
I love love love that list!
I become an actor when I read “De la petite taupe qui voulait savoir qui lui avait fait sur la tête” (it’s a title!), “Les monstres de la jungle” and “Full, Full, Full of Love”. Not because of accents but because of rythms and sounds I get to make.
I love these books, especially, “How I became a pirate.”
I use my inner actor everyday! Currently, I have a position as a “Storytime Lady.” I love it! I get to ham it and even wear costumes. Here are my favorite read-alouds
1. I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont
2. Punk Farm by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
3. Miss Nelson is Missing by Harry Allard ( I do a mean Ms. Viola Swamp)
4. Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems. (My Pigeon has a New York Accent)
5. She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain by Philemon Sturges
Love your blog!
Have a great day!
Ooh, yay! I can’t wait to check those out—and oh, Pigeon w/a NY accent. I’ll have to practice…
Wow so many comments on this one! I’m glad to know that I”m not the only crazy mama! Whew. All my accents and silly voices have really paid off for my oldest daughter, Tiff, as she now gets to do them in the Kids Lab on the Disney Dream! AND get paid for all that fun lol. She does a pirate, Lidia from the south, Fifi fondu who cooks up the cookies, and Professor Makes a Mess! Oh too fun.
Excellent blog here! after reading, i decide to buy a sleeping bag ASAP
Well built rack. Well-sealed jars with screw-caps and airtight seal paper that must be beorkn before first use. The second rack was bought as a Christmas present. A good variety of spices: Fennel seeds Sea salt, crushed bay leaves, coriander, marjoram, celery salt, crushed mint, parsley, basil, pizza seasoning, rosemary, oregano, Italian seasoning, chives, seasoning salt, (and against) Herbes de Provence. . .
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Try gator gumbo and petite rouge riding hood. They both have an awesome Cajun accent.
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