Welcome campers! Today begins 2 weeks of the best (at least we think so) camp crafts and activities for you and your kids to try—AT HOME. I have always loved summer camp and cannot wait until my kids are old enough to experience s’mores, cabins, camp crafts and just hanging out in God’s creation! So, I decided, I’m not gonna wait! I’ve taken some of my favorite elements of summer camp and introducing it to my kids right now. Each day for the next 2 weeks, we’re going to share camp crafts, activities and even books all with a wonderful campy feel to them!
Today we’ll start off with a bang! The very best and most camp-y thing of all: S’MORES. My favorite way to make a s’more is by lighting the marshmallow on fire, letting it burn and expand, then blowing it out and smashing the newly blackened marshmallow in between the chocolate and graham crackers. YUM.
A few years ago I read about this cool s’mores experiment and have kept it in the back of my head because I was determined to try it. The idea? S’mores baked by the sun…or as Family Fun calls it, Solar S’mores. We had a camp playdate for some of Lydia’s friends last week to try them out!
All you need is a shallow box with a flip-up lid. A pizza box would work well. I used a shipping box. The first step is to cut a new flap on the top…about 1-2 inches around the inside edge.
Once your new flap is open, spread glue all around & cover with tinfoil.
Try not to get any creases or wrinkles in the tinfoil. You want it to be as smooth as possible. This is our main reflector.
Next, layer more tinfoil in the bottom. Then cover with black paper. (I didn’t glue or tape any of this.)
The last step is the hardest: find some thick plastic like a plastic sheet protector. (Mine was from an old scrapbook…that I never ever finished.) Tape this onto your new opening–make sure to use clear packing tape to seal it on nice and tight.
And the yummy part: layer the s’mores inside!
Finally, send the kids out for a giant stick. You’ll need this to prop up your sun-reflecting top!
It’s time to sit back and relax for about an HOUR!
The result: Well, we didn’t have direct sun. So, after about an hour and a half we opened up the box and the marshmallows were soft. Not melted. Not roasted. Just soft. Kinda the same feeling as if you left them in the car for an hour or so.
I think if you put them in blazing hot sun, directly pointing onto your marshmallows and maybe even sealed the entire box with tape, you’d get a little more “greenhouse effect” going on and they’d melt quicker.
So, we threw them in the oven to broil for about 14 seconds and they browned up quite nice!
The kids were our final judges. And they were pretty happy with them:
How do you eat a s’more?

That would have been awesome if it worked! I’m impressed by the box:) We’ll do them in the toaster or microwave sometimes, but absolutely love them in the fireplace on winter nights!
Fun series!!
.-= mandi@itscome2this´s last blog ..Saturday stumbles =-.
We usually eat them the tratditional way, but we also love to use tortillas, spread peanut butter on them, then put marshmellows and chocolate chips on the peanut butter and then roll them up and heat them up, either via a camp fire or a microwave. Mmmmmmm!!!
We did it! We are here at a mis**ary training and we have a lot of M. Kids here. My 4 year old daughter and I put together the box and some of the other MK’s help assemble the s’mores. After about 1 1/2 hours in the direct sun, they were done! All the kids enjoyed the s’mores and we loved doing it!!! thanks for your great ideas!
Have managers or peers come together; mix various management levels.
* Stick to top of things by checking the enrollment plus sing up
deadlines. Lower you shutter speed to get the ‘silvery-hair’ effect, which makes your
photo spectacular. For something more duarable consider card stock or other heavier paper.
Tangle Texture Drawings – Using a black pen, Sharpie, or ink,
students will draw a continuous line that fills the paper,
weaving in and out across the page. It features 6,000 cubic inches of capacity and weighs less than six pounds when completely empty.
One must now note that costs are subjective of the site and
the recognition of the group carrying out the boot camp.
Well, the truth of the matter is, when we love ourselves, is when real love begins.
The main focus is justified by the fact that the long British rule has profoundly differentiated the
area of Hong Kong from mainland China, making
it a modern and cosmopolitan metropolis along with an important commercial and
financial centre. Of course, sometimes if the experience
was enjoyed thoroughly and the child wishes to return the following year,
pre-registration is usually available with a small deposit
to ensure placement at the desired time slots.
Unlike outdoor sun tanning it is a sunless tanner which can provide best in class solutions to one and all for their
tanning needs. Now apply your basic lotion again, to the areas mentioned before.
However, with all those plucking and re-growing of eyebrows, the hair follicles could be damaged causing it to stop from growing back.
I’m the Editor of Fun Family Crafts and wanted to let you know that we have featured your project! You can see it here:
If you have other kid-friendly craft tutorials, we’d love for you to submit them. Thanks for another great project idea!