So, after surfing through lots of blogs, I’m finding that memes are popular. I’m not sure where the word comes from but I like to think it comes from “the following is all about me me me!” Usually these little memes are random questions, but this one was just up my alley so I couldn’t resist. So here it is, everything you’ve ever wanted to know about my reading habits!
Hardback or trade paperback or mass market paperback? I love hardbacks. They make me feel more grown up.
Amazon or brick and mortar? Amazon is kind of exciting because they have e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. But there is nothing like the feel of a real book in your hand. So, I’ll go with the brick&mortar.
Barnes & Noble or Borders? I think B&N. Borders always seems messy.
Bookmark or dogear? I like bookmarks because I HATE dogearing a book, but I can never seem to find my proper bookmarks. I always end up using a receipt or piece of mail.
Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random? Usually by author, sometimes by genre. Sometimes by read and not read.
Keep, throw away, or sell? People actually throw away books?!
Keep dustjacket or toss it? Dustjacket looks way cooler and doubles as a built in bookmark.
Read with dustjacket or remove it? see above.
Short story or novel? Novel. The longer the better.
Collection (short stories by same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)? Huh?
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? Harry. I love Harry. Lemony Snicket is funny but not my thing. I think the movie ruined it for me.
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? Chapter breaks. Then they usually leave me hanging and I have to read another whole chapter!
“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”? Both sound nice. Depends on the mood I’m in.
Buy or Borrow? I’d rather buy. I like to own them.
New or used? I like new better. But if it’s in really good condition, I’ll take used. (oh, unless by used you mean someone gave it to me for free–then I’ll take the used!)
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse? All. I don’t read book reviews much. But if someone tells me it’s good, I usually pick it up. And I hate to say it but I *do* judge a book by it’s cover.
Tidy ending or cliffhanger? I think I like the tidy ending. I don’t like predictable books, they bore me. But overall, I’d like good to be done.
Morning reading, afternoon reading or nighttime reading? Any and all.
Stand-alone or series? I love series. But since I love to read, a stand alone is great, too.
Favorite series? I could NEVER pick one favorite. But I do love
• The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
• Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
• Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
• every series by Brock & Bodie Thoene
• Christy Miller by Robin Jones Gunn
• Betsy-Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace (really, this may be my absolute favorite, oh, how I wanted to be Betsy!)
• Mark of the Lion by Francine Rivers
• Madeline L’engle’s series (not sure of what they’re called)
• Harry Potter by JK Rowling.
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard? I don’t know if anyone has heard of this or not. But everytime I mention it, no one has read it. It’s a really thought provoking read: Safely Home by Randy Alcorn
Favorite books read last year? Oh, all my books are at our house in Bham. So, I’m doing this from memory. I read a few Karen Kingsbury books this year and of course, cried all the way through them. I read Fifth Seal by Brock & Bodie Thoene which was amazing. I also found lots of chick lit this year.
Favorite books of all time? I could literally type forever on this.
• Leota’s Garden by Francine Rivers (not typically the setting I like, but this was poignant!)
• The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers (an amazing book about the right to life)
• This Present Darkness by Frank Perretti (honestly, if you haven’t read this, you might not be going to heaven.)
• The Oath by Frank Peretti (my favorite Peretti book, such an amazing allegory)
• Gone with the Wind by Margret Mitchell (living in Atlanta this book is even that much better)
• The Swan House by Elizabeth Musser (another Atlanta book, plus one of the characters has my full name!)
• The Source by James Michener (one of the longest and best historical fiction books I’ve ever read)
Favorite children’s book? I think I’ve named a million kids books and series but here are some of my other faves:
• The BFG by Roald Dahl
• Matilda by Roald Dahl
• Fifteen by Beverly Cleary
• the shoes books by Noel Streatfield
• Daddy Long Legs and Dear Enemy by Jean Webster
(there are so many more, I just can’t reach back far enough to remember them…)
I love picture books, too, but am just discovering those with Lydia. My favorite one now is I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato by Lauren Child.
Least favorite book you finished last year? I fast-forwarded through a few books. They weren’t terrible, I just didn’t like them. (mostly romantic stuff, I just don’t like straight-up romances or any how-many-times-have-i-read-that-plot-line books)
What are you reading right now? Gap Creek by Robert Morgan
What are you reading next? I have a Grisham book from the library right now. I may or may not read it. I also have a few chick-lit books on hold at the library. That sounds more fun than Grisham.
Adding my own question…
What book are you embarrassed you ever read? The Baby-Sitters Club (about 58 of them), also Sweet Valley High (probably 45 of them) and Flowers in the Attic (I was too young to read a book like that and I still get a sick feeling every time I think about it.)
If you’re a bibliophile like myself, I want to hear your own memememe! Leave me a comment and let me know, I’m always looking for a good book.
By the way, I spent for-stinkin’-ever linking those book titles to amazon. I should be making a profit on that if any of y’all buy anything!
(oooh, I just found where I got this meme from…check deena’s blog for her meme. I just wanted to see how many more times I could say meme. meme. meme. fun!)
TPS: on wordpress, you just highlight the book, then click that little chain link on the tool bar. Then cut and past the link to amazon into the window. It’s easy.
Girl, you don’t do chick-lit? It’s chick-literature…you know Bridget Jones Diary/Devil Wears Prada…only I’ve been reading the Christian ones: Kristin Billerbeck, Laura Jensen Walker, Denise Hildreth, etc. Can’t wait to see what you read!
I will do my own meme, but first, how do you link the books to amazon???? And what are chick-lit’s?
Thanks for leaving me a comment! And I learned something new from your post – didn’t know what a “meme” was!! 🙂 And I LOL’d at your Perretti comment about not going to heaven! That’s great! I forgot I love his books as well – gives you a new perspective on spiritual stuff!
Very fun!
Thanks for the link! And I agree…we oughta get paid per link to Amazon,, and anywhere else…that takes TIME, girlfriend, yes it does!!
Safely Home by Randy Alcorn changed my life–I wept for days and every time I tried to tell friends about it, I bawled some more. Awesome book. Love Peretti, too.
I am finally reading your entire blog tonight. Of course I LOVE IT. Thank goodness blogs have been invented because if I’ve ever seen a great outlet for your writing skill and great observations this is it!!!
I just had to make a comment on this particular blog since reading has been such a major love in my life as well. I love that some of your lifetime favorite books are some of my favorites as well. I think that’s pretty special!
I just hope you don’t get the “over 40 eye thing” like I have which makes reading a little more difficult!! Even typing this, I’m looking around for my glasses!
Love you,
Mama 🙂
Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. I posted my answers to this meme just a minute ago…it was fun to do!
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