This blogging thing is a lot harder than I thought. Sometimes ideas flow out of me. Sometimes I sit here and wonder if anyone cares what I had for lunch or if Lydia slept longer than normal. Then I tell myself, that’s not the point. The point is to write. This blog is a creative outlet for your writing. Yeah, but who said I can write? Haven’t you read all those other blogs? These ladies are geniuses! They have 300 hits a day. They’re famous! I’m just a middle schooler in comparison.
So, with that said, I thought I’d let you know we have fleas. Not personally. Our house has fleas. And out of the 3 humans living in this house, I’m the only one that gets bitten. Within 5 minutes of being in the house, I have at least 5 new bites. (That’s one per minute for you mathematicians.) We decided to go green and try a natural flea killing powder. The ingredients are peppermint oil, thyme, cinnamon, lemongrass and clove. Who wouldn’t love for their house to smell like that? *waving hand wildly in air* ME! It is the most suffocating smell. It kept me awake last night! Lydia had to sleep in our room because my dh got a little powder happy and poured the entire bottle (suggested use: 3-5 rooms) into her one little room.
I’ve got the windows open. I’ve got the fans on. I’ve vacuumed and dusted. We still smell like a potpourri store on steroids. It’s revolting. My suggestion? Forget green and buy the flea bomb. Nuke those babies.
Okay, sorry, but I totally LOL at the potpourri on steroids comment! We had fleas one time when we lived in GA, and they were horrible. But, the flea bomb we used did the trick to get rid of them. 🙂 Hope the concoction you are using does the same.
And yes, I care about what you had for lunch or if Lydia slept later than usual this morning. Because if I didn’t care about that kind of stuff, then I wouldn’t have anything to write about on my blog either. 🙂
Oh my. Yeah, the potpourri powder may be as harmful as the other stuff, but you gotta give “healthy” your best shot with little ones around. The only little one I have around anymore is my 5 lb. dog, and believe it or not, I have to watch what I spray or it could hurt her. (Isn’t she precious.) You’re hilarious.
Fleas!? O my.
Hang in there with the blogging. I still feel like that, and I’ve been blogging for a year. You’ll find your niche, though.
Popped over here from your comment at my blog and love your writing. This post in particular seemed to sync with the post you commented on. I write because it’s great practice writing, instantly gratifies the desire to be read, and introduces me to new people (like you!), new ideas, new methods for blogging.
And did you know that some bloggin’ mamas have two *thousand* hits a day? I didn’t realize that until one of them told me so in a personal e-mail when we were discussing something else. That’s more readers than a lot of small magazines!
But it shouldn’t discourage those of us with modest-to-small readership. We don’t blog for the number of people who may or may not read it. There must be other reasons. That’s what we should explore, and it can determine our content.
Like any writing assignment, we have to consider our audience. But, like any *marketing* assignment, we should also consider who we *want* to be our audience. The answers to both questions will affect our content.
You’ve got me thinking…I wrote most of that for myself, I think. I might incorporate it into another blog sometime. Anyway, it’s lovely to meet you, poke around your blog a bit, and read a fun style.
Fleas go after me, too, while ignoring others. What is that?
Hi there! I’m glad you found my blog!
I’m new to blogging and have the same anxiety too… you know “who really wants to know that?”
Anyhoo, maybe we can have a virtual glass of Milo’s Tea together!
Ok, LOL at the potpourri!! And I agree, bomb the little suckers! We had fleas so bad once that we finally had to get rid of the dog…he was a gourmet meal to them.
As for blogging, it’s an outlet, a testimony, and a way to share with people you’d otherwise never met. I get a few hits here and there, and it does make me happy to see them go up and up and up.
BUT, wading through 5 bazillion comments makes me feel like **sniff, sniff** no one will notice or care what I say…so it’s apples and oranges, peas and carrots, ham and cheese to me…I’ll read you no matter what, but if I’m comment 5 bazzillion and one some day…well, you just better READ it!! LOL!!