I have this friend. She is a pastor’s wife, a mom to four kids, a teacher at our hybrid homeschool and all around great person. She’s also married to a guy who lived down the street from me when I was growing up. Her daughter is my daughter’s best friend.
Are you still with me?
All those connections aren’t really the point, but I just want you to know how well I know her. How I’ve been able to observe her life with clarity these past few years.
She works hard alongside her husband to make their church go and their church family prosper. I know what that’s like. I grew up in church. My mom has been a Children’s and Family Pastor for most of my life. My first real full-time job was church ministry. I know how full-time it is. How all-consuming it is. Also, how much…or how little it can pay.
My friend is also a fixture at our hybrid homeschool–she teaches, leads a Bible-centric club, serves the administration and more. But I also know how little a job like that can pay, too.
This last year, my friend got to the point where she said, “God, I need something else. I have to help my family. I have to make some money. But. I can’t take away from the ministry you’ve given me–in church or in my family. Help!”
Have you been there? Have you known the Big Thing that God has put in front of you, but the inability to do it because of finances? Or have you, like my husband says, felt your stress like a cup of water filled so to the brim that even one more drop would make it overflow? Just one more bill? One more stressor?
We all have. We all know what that stopping point is–to say, “God. I seriously don’t know what to do. Help me!”
It’s in those moments, those prayers that we really realize our faith. We finally stop trying do do things in and of ourselves and recognize the strong, powerful God who is willing and able to step in for us.
So, after my friend asked God for help, do you know what happened? Nope. Manna didn’t fall from the sky. There wasn’t a bucket of money delivered to her bank.
A friend called her and offered her an opportunity to join her health company. She felt like it wasn’t exactly her strengths, but could see the opportunity. She took a step forward and what do you know? It actually is something she’s good at. She’s flourished, started her own arm of the business and is providing for her family in ways she couldn’t have imagined just weeks before.
Let’s stop right here. I know what you’re thinking. You’re saying, “Amanda, are you telling me God sent your friend an MLM as a miracle?” and you’re ready to click away.
I’m not telling you that…and I am. What I’m telling you is that God does provide manna. He’s done it for me. I remember when we lived in Florida looking at our bank account and wondering how it stayed at $87 for so long. It felt like the woman with the jar of unending oil.
But God also leads to the promised land with fields to plant and harvest, homes to clean and fill. This is what he’s done for me. And for my friend. He sent her work. He sent her a stream of income for her to use, to grow and manage.
It’s not a plan she had as a pastor’s wife or a homeschool mom. But it’s one God has planned for her in this season.
God is not the proverbial vending machine who gives us what we want when we want. But he’s also not the chess master who moves us around with no concern for our lives or desires. He cares, leads and provides with lavish love!
It is one of my favorite things to see God writing stories in people’s lives–the stories they didn’t think they’d live out but are then so excited about doing!
So, as we begin 2020, let’s get to the point where we stop striving, stop trying to DO ALL THE THINGS in our own strength and just say, “Help me, God!”, then step onto the path He is making!
See, I am doing a new thing!
Isaiah 43:19, emphasis mine
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
And oh, are you a bit intrigued by my friend’s business? You’ve probably heard of it–Arbonne. They have all kinds of products to promote health—from skin care to supplements to food to make up and more.
I’ve loved their Christmas teas and detox teas. Also, my husband has been using their men’s SPF moisturizer. And my son will even down the probiotics!
If you’ve got a new year’s resolution to kick-start your health, or are also in need of a new stream of income, check out my friend Kristie’s website!
(I’m not being compensated for this post, nor am I a part of Arbonne. Kristie let me try a couple of products and I wanted to post for her because I love her and seeing what God does through her!)