School is in full swing and that means mom-taxing is a go, too! Do you need some quick devotions to help you focus your kids’ thoughts and conversation on the Bible and God? Here’s some of our faves!
Discipleship on the Go by Sarah Blount
This little deck of cards has a Scripture that has been rewritten in the first person and 2 discussion questions. It is super simple and helps kids immediately take the Scripture to personal application.
I keep this in my cupholder of the car and pull it out on the way to school every day. There are 36 cards–one for every week of the school year, so you could easily work on memorizing the Scripture throughout the week and there is no pressure to do it every single day.
Telling Your Child the Truth: 321 Confessions for Parents by Joe McGee
These cards are two-sided. The back has one to two Scriptures and the front has a blessing to speak over your children. I literally try to put my hands on my kids and say their names, “Lydia and Asa, Don’t worry or be anxious about anything. Go to God about everything. Thank Him for what he has done and believe you will receive what you asked for in faith.” (Philippians 4:6, Matthew 21:22) Good, right?!
Also included are some instructional cards and prayers for parents. These are rich, y’all. Again, just stick it in your car or your purse and read it out loud!
Character Matters Cards from September McCarthy
These simple cards come on a clip you can attach to your keys or bag. Each one has a character quality, its definition, a Scripture and some practical ways to live them out. There are 3 different packs to choose from: in the World, in the Bible, in the Home.
Just pull one out, read it and see where the conversation takes you. You’ll find yourself referring back to it naturally!
Are CDs still a thing? Do people buy CDs? Well, I guess what I really mean is audiobooks. So, however you can get these to listen to–digitally on CD or 8-track.
Really and truly, any God-centered audio book would be great for an on-the-go devotional in the car or waiting room. Even picking out a book that might be too old for you kids to read, could be a great one for the entire family to listen to in small doses. I’m thinking a memoir like The Hiding Place by Corrie TenBoom or Plain Faith by Tricia Goyer?
Here are a few actual kids’ audio books we’ve used as drive-time devotions:
Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing: Deluxe Edition by Sally Lloyd Jones
This book is aptly named. Each page has a beautiful illustration and a very short “thought” about God and His Word and each supported with a Scripture. It’s read beautifully by David Suchet–very calming for trips to school or crazy rides home.
Each “thought” is a great starting point for questions and conversation with your kids.
The Little Kids Adventure Bible Audio Book
I picked this up at the library and wrote a whole big long review about it. But, here’s the main thing that’s cool about it–it’s dramatized and highlights important sections of Scripture either thematically or by story.
Highly recommend.
Note: There are 3 volumes in this series. And it’s out of print. Boo! Even on Amazon, the best price I could find was $27 used and who knows if the CDs are in good condition! (The most expensive one I found was $869! Ha!) So, look for these at thrift stores or at your library!
Adventure Bible Storybook Deluxe Edition
This is basically just a Bible storybook but it includes the audio for the entire book. I usually recommend this for a first devotional for kids, because they can follow along with the book while listening.
However, the audio is good and are short enough to listen to on any drive. Perfect for getting through the main stories of the Bible with your kids.
If your kids are elementary and up, you cannot go wrong with Adventures in Odyssey. These 20-25 minute audio adventures are so full of God’s Word and Truth plus they are so incredibly entertaining and quality. You will all love them. We talk about Odyssey all the time and use it as examples in godly living.
You can read more about the Adventures in Odyssey Club and see a screenshot of how it works here. These are available on CD or streaming via an app.
As You Walk Along The Road
Grab one of these today as a tool to do what Deuteronomy 6 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”