“O Lord, please let the man of God whom you sent come again to us and teach us what we are to do with the child who will be born.” Judges 13:8
When I was in college the girl who lived across the hall from me was a Prayer Warrior. She would turn up the latest Hillsong CD (It was “Shout to the Lord” if you’d like to figure out how old I am) to level 25 and start yelling her prayers for the whole hall to hear. Now, I was a little different. We had this empty broom closet at the end of our hall with…well, nothing inside. You could go inside, lock the door and pray to your heart’s content. Whenever I went in there, no one knew I was there. I wasn’t slapping my hands on the floor, crying real tears or shouting “Hallelujah.” In fact, *whisper* I may have fallen asleep once or twice.
Praying for good grades or direction in your career or relationships is super important, but when I became a mother, my prayers became a little more…desperate. I felt like Samson’s parents shouting out to God, “Lord! I have NO IDEA what I’m doing! Please! Please teach me how to raise these kids!” In fact, sometimes I may have shouted my prayers to God. I certainly cried real tears and I probably turned up my iPod to the max to drown out whatever else those little ankle-biters were doing below me.
So, what is prayer? Like Brooke said in Praying for Boys, it’s simply talking, asking and listening to God. Plus, the best part–it’s believing Him. Not believing in Him but believing Him. The way you believe your husband will bring home dinner like you asked, like you believe your mom when she says she’ll pick up the kids after school.