Asa has been waiting and waiting to get to the helmet and sword in the Armor of God. (I’m sure you’ve been waiting, too. Do you like the way this series has literally taken me five months to complete?! Just trying to be an example of how every little bit counts. *wink*)
We suited up and used my balloon making time to review each piece of the armor. It’s nice that Lydia can read now because she read while I outfitted Asa.
Once they were completely armed (don’t they look fierce?!) They had a nice sword fight (which is awesome with balloons because you seriously can’t even poke an eye out!)
We talked briefly about the helmet of salvation and how it related to Asa praying for God to change his heart. Then we spent time with Hebrews 4:12 and talked about how God’s Word is a sword we can use to defeat the enemy!
This conversation spilled over last night into our Mealtime Devotions which was about Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. Jesus defeated Satan with God’s Word. It’s so simple! Satan defeated with Scripture. There was no special words, big voice or crazy ritual. Just speaking God’s Word out of your mouth!
I’m so thankful for that story (which we also read in our Jesus Storybook Bible) because it shows the very hardest position Jesus is in–Satan is standing before him tempting him! Besides the cross what is equal to this conversation? And in our lives, what in the world comes even close to this?!
Jesus gives us what almost seems to be a pat, trite response: just quote God’s Word. However, instead of trite, I see a simple, powerful weapon: the Sword of the Spirit given to us to defeat DEFEAT the enemy!
This should be something we use in our own lives, model before our children and teach them to do on their own. The next time you are struggling to have good thoughts or words, speak God’s Word outloud:
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14
When your children whine and complain, have them repeat God’s Word after you:
Do everything without complaining and arguing, Philippians 2:14 NLT
If your kids tend to become frightened easily, help them memorize God’s Word and encourage them to speak it outloud whenever they feel scared:
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:17 NLT
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