More Random Social Media Stuff: Top Ten {Tuesday}
1. Tumblr Tumblr is a blogging platform. But it’s also kind of a micro-blog (ie. an expanded Twitter). It’s also
1. Tumblr Tumblr is a blogging platform. But it’s also kind of a micro-blog (ie. an expanded Twitter). It’s also
I am bored of moral tales. When I let my kids watch TV, I rarely choose shows about “being kind”
This morning I got up early for the first time in 2 weeks. I know, I feel like I’ve been
Photo :: :: :: Asa and a friend at the big Nemo birthday party! {photo alternately entitled: Day and Night}
Pretty Peacock Pictures by Frugal Family Fun Blog {perfect for the Letter P!} Tommy Nelson Kids Blog {a blog by
I don’t even remember what that title stands for. It’s something like WHAT?! IT’S FRIDAY? HOLY TOLEDO. I’VE GOT NOTHING
Like my pirate hat? I know, I look good as a pirate. The kids and I got dressed up (and
Here it is–the post you’ve all been waiting for. I am finally coming clean on yesterday’s Top Ten {Tuesday} post.
It’s a fairly simple craft. All you need is a stick of some sort (we used old paint sticks) and
I found some Hula Hoops on sale this week and when I introduced them to my kids, they had so
Let’s play a little game, shall we? I’ll give you TEN things that have happened to me this week. ONE
I just swagbucked “what be goin’ diggy down” and there are actually 3 different artists who use some form of