Two Things You Should Know
1. The “other” Mandi has the most phenomenal Christmas idea ever. EVER. I am so proud of her (that’s not
1. The “other” Mandi has the most phenomenal Christmas idea ever. EVER. I am so proud of her (that’s not
It’s fun to be around people who are just like you. That’s why I like being with my family. Yesterday
After Thanksachristmas yesterday, the kids slept late. After we officially woke up, Lydia and I made pumpkin muffins from Trader
Just a little last minute turkey craft for you and the kids. No spiritual value whatsoever. But yummy? Oh yeah!!
My daughter has only had three Christmases and I am already sick to death of PLASTIC toys. Why don’t grandparents
Les’ sister and family are in town for Thanksgiving. But since they are missionaries to Mexico, they are only in
First, the bad news. Pushing Daisies has been canceled. *sniff* *sob* What will The Disney Blog do without me? I
OK, well, maybe not those Salisbury steak ones with the mac and cheese that comes out of it’s little container
Are you guys OK if I don’t take pictures of all the worksheets and the construction paper verses that EJ
Just found THE CUTEST Thanksgiving crafts from my friend Isabel at I think it’s time for Thanksgiving-table-craft-take-two!